NBN stands for the New Books Network, created by Dr. Marshall Poe. It has over 15,000 podcast interviews with authors of books, many of them academic. There are currently over a hundred genres. Typically there are several million downloads every month!
The children's literature channel was founded in 2021 by Mel Rosenberg, as a continuation of his previous videocast and podcast channel, You've Got Mel.
In the new channel, Mel exclusively interviews authors, editors, publishers and agents of traditionally-published children's books, primarily picture books.
Mel is interested in trying to understand the life and background of the interviewees, how they became passionate about children's books, their unique road to success, and their advice for aspring writers.
Although each road to success is different, it helps if the writer has experience in a related field, has worked for years to improve her/his craft, attended workshops and belonged to critique groups. Having a connection with an agent (e.g., having met the agent at a conference) is a big plus when submitting. And first and foremost, perseverance. It can take many years and multiple rejections.
If you have a traditionally-published picture book coming out, and you'd like to appear on the channel, please contact Mel Rosenberg at mel@ourboox.com