Statistics show that 80% of the colleges insist that essay for scholarship application must be accompanied with a cover letter attached to it. The cover letter enables an applicant to explain to the recipient of the admission letter why he or she is making an application as well as the reasons why he or he should be considered for admission. Even though the cover letter contains information different from that presented in the completed college application form it’s like essay mapping, it plays a very important role in granting an applicant application. The scholarship application cannot be considered lest a cover letter is attached to it.Given the importance of the said cover letter, the applicant must make all the effort to ensure that it is well prepared so as to attract attention of members of the selection board.Find more about essay help on! This follows the reality that it is the cover letter that ushers the reader or panel members into the duly filled college application form attached by the applicant underneath.Excellent and clear cover letters not only attract attention of the admission board members but they also prepare far better grounds for the subsequent college scholarship essays.The eminence of the college cover letter has a greater effect on the successfulness of a college scholarship application. All the application essays accompanied with excellent cover letters are more likely to gain acceptance no matter the quality of the former. On the other hand, well crafted college application essays to which poorly written cover letters are attached are more likely to flop. This is how crucial the cover letters are to the college applications being made by all the college applicants. Useful resources: Best Essay Writing Service: Reddit Enumeration Advertisement Analysis Lesson Plan