狐假虎威 (The Fox And The Tiger) by Rankbooks  - Illustrated by K.C.Goh - Ourboox.com
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狐假虎威 (The Fox And The Tiger)


Artwork: K.C.Goh

  • Joined Dec 2014
  • Published Books 5

在森林里,老虎是最凶猛的野兽。一天,它捉到一只狐狸,狡猾的狐狸就 说:“你怎么敢吃我?我是天帝任命来管理所有野兽的,你要吃了我, 就是违抗天意。”老虎一听愣住了。

狐假虎威 (The Fox And The Tiger) by Rankbooks  - Illustrated by K.C.Goh - Ourboox.com

狐狸马上接着说:“你要是不信,就 跟在我后面走一趟,看看是不是所有的动物见了我都害怕。”于是老虎决定跟着狐狸去看看。果然,动物们都吓得要命,四处奔逃。

狐假虎威 (The Fox And The Tiger) by Rankbooks  - Illustrated by K.C.Goh - Ourboox.com


狐假虎威 (The Fox And The Tiger) by Rankbooks  - Illustrated by K.C.Goh - Ourboox.com

English Translation:
The tiger is the most ferocious animal in the forest. One day, a tiger caught a fox. The cunning fox said: “How dare you! I am the one that God assigned to rule over the other animals.” The tiger was shocked. The fox told the tiger to walk behind him through the forest so he could show him what he meant, and the tiger agreed. As they walked, all the animals were scared and ran away quickly, so the tiger believed the fox’s words and freed him. This story is widely known all over China. The cunning fox uses the tiger’s power to scare others, but if the tiger realized the trick, he would kill him. Now Chinese people usually use it to describe someone who bullies others by flaunting his powerful connections. He may enjoy his power for a short time, but he will be sorely punished when his trick is exposed

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