Following Ed’s Journey
- Joined Dec 2020
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2020
first entry-preparation for the trip
We are preparing for the trip to the Amazon rainforest and we need to know a lot of things to survive. We need to learn how to light a fire, build an insulated shelter, find clean water and food, make a spear and more. We may encounter a lot of problems, such as: the cold, lack of water and food, exhaustion and dangerous animals and plants. We brought a lot of supply as well, like: canned food and water, rain coats, warm clothing, first aid kit, radio, knifes, flash lights, a walkie-talkie, a tent and safe boots. I would also like other people to go with me because if I would go with my friends it wouldn’t be as scary and we will protect each other.
Second entry- the trip
We faced a lot of challenges during the trip. We were exhausted, hungry, and couldn’t sleep because there were a lot of dangerous animals for example poisonous snakes around. We also had a lot of adventures, like: crossing a river, climbing on trees, fighting animals and more. But, one day our friend that went on the trip with us got bitten by a mysteries bug. We didn’t know what to do so we contacted a hospital using a walkie-talkie and asked what to do. Fortunately, we saved him and continued our trip a few hours later.
Third entry-back home
It has been a week since I got back home and I’ve never felt happier. To be honest, the trip wasn’t worth it and I didn’t enjoy it because we were in danger all the time, we didn’t sleep and sometimes we didn’t eat for days. If I go on the trip again, I would bring more food and water and more surviving tools in general. I would not go to the Amazon rainforest again, as I explained the trip wasn’t worth it and all that we had went through during the trip. I will be at home for a while.
A video about the Amazon rainforest
Published: Dec 25, 2020
Latest Revision: Dec 25, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-978336
Copyright © 2020