who was pablo picasso?

by ilay kedmi
Artwork: True Kelley
- Joined May 2016
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2016
– A summary of the book:
The book- who was Pablo Picasso? tell about if you think about modern art, Pablo Picasso is the first name that pops into your head. On October 25,1881 Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, in Spain. Pablo had two younger sisters, mother and father. Picasso’s art could be serious or playful, to children or realistic. soon when he was a child he could draw, he just wanted to make art. Later in his life he her family sent him to Madrid to study art. Later he moved to Paris and back Spain how many days then to help carles (her friend). Finally after all her study he was very happy also he was 80 years old he married again (he married before and divorce) and help for his children, teaching them to swim and drawing with him. To Pablo Picasso was Some women and thay: Olga, Dora and another girlfriends.
The characters in the book Are:
Pablo Picasso- the central character in the book. the book deal in- how he learn art in spite of all the difficulties.
Picasso’s two younger sisters- Lola and Conchita- that Conchita was seven-year-old she died of diphtheria. all the family was very bad.
Pablo’s mother- she said his was all for Pablo Picasso, she said his first words were “piz!,piz!” That’s baby talk in Spanish for pencil.
Carles Casagemas- was the best old art Pablo’s friend, he and Pablo Picasso went to live together For old time’s sake.
Gertrude Stein- She was a poet. she had written the famous line: “Rose in a rose is a rose”. She was one oF THE first people is a really appreciate.
Fernande Olivier- the first wife that was to Picasso.
Eva Gouel- she was the first Picasso’s girlfriend. Pablo painted a picture of Eva.
Answer these questions:
-The most interesting part of the book for me was: That in the winter, Pablo Picasso came down with scarlet fever. He left school because his problems and he stayed in a country village until he got better. Pablo Picasso had a lot of time to think on his future. After a while he decided not go to back to school, and also decided that he wanted to paint his own way.(His family was not like that).But Pablo Picasso was ready to paint on his own. “Pablo moved back to Barcelona where he hung out with a bunch of artists, poets, and writes. the young artist decided that he wanted to paint his own way. Because it he came to Barcelona.
-I like the ending of the book because my opinion is that the ending to come full circle for Pablo Picasso because in the end he doesn’t was stressed he was happy family man. He spent time for his children and he find another romance again, he met a woman (Jacqueline Roque) and he married with she. after this was a good ending.
I choose in the option 2- (a letter to the author):
Dear author,
Before many days I read your book. first of all I need to tell you that the book was amazing!
the book was also very interesting and a dramatic book, that discover me and to all Other the people who have read the book, a very important things about Pablo Picasso’s life. I will recommend to people that thay very love art and different artists to read this book. The book looking and learn for everybody that if you want something, anything is possible, just we needs to believe.
Thank you for the lesson, I always use it.
Ilay kedmi, Israel.
1.I like reading the book because-it was very interesting book in Some parts, the book Wasn’t a relatively long and sometimes Were dramatic parts. I love art and because it I loved to read the book. Additionally I also learn about Pablo Picasso in my Previous school because it also I choose this book. (and I loved the book).
2.I like working on the digital book because that Something different from the normal for me because I normal for Books and notebooks and no for a digital book, but I always want to try Something’s now’s.
A song in English that matches the subject of the book:
The link for the video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc2iLAubras
-The song talks about the loves in Pablo Picasso’s life. One of the features
that are known to be Pablo Picasso is the love of women. It Seems like this song. this is the subject of my book.
Modern Lovers-Pablo Picasso:
Well some people try to pick up girls
And get called assholes
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare and
So Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Well the girls would turn the color
Of the avacado when he would drive
Down their street in his El Dorado
He could walk down you street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not like you
Well he was only 5’3″
But girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not in New York
Oh well be not schmuck, be not abnoxious
Be not bellbottom bummer or asshole
Remember the story of Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Alright this is it
Some people try to pick up girls
And they get called an asshole
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare and so
Pablo Picasso was never called…
Published: May 7, 2016
Latest Revision: May 9, 2016
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Copyright © 2016