What Can You Do To Protect Our Environment?
- Joined Sep 2021
- Published Books 3
Copyright © 2021
Topic: Climate Change
Learning standard: 5-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect Earth’s resources and environment.
To Educators:
Throughout this book, students will explore what climate change is and what it is doing to the world that we live in. They will be encouraged to find their own environmental footprint and create change.
Fifth-grade students will be able to:
- Explain what climate change is and how it is affecting the world.
- Identify at least three ways in which they individually can have a personal impact that protects Earth’s resources and/or environment.
What is climate change?
Climate change is the change or effect of Earth’s environmental patterns. In most recent years, this issue has become more prevalent. For example, the rise in the Earth’s temperature is directly affecting the ocean’s water levels. Although climate change is a major issue there are things that individuals can do to better our planet and help with the cause.
Why is climate change a big deal?
Without the Earth’s resources, humans would not be able to survive. If humans continue to abuse resources at the rate at which we are then eventually there will be none left. For example, trees help combat greenhouse gas emissions that humans put into the air. Trees essentially clean the air so it is easier to breathe. Humans have been cutting more and more trees down in order to clear land for businesses, industrial farming, factories, and many other reasons. This means fewer trees and more emissions in the air. Clearing these trees is also known as deforestation. Deforestation is harmful because with fewer trees there is more pollution in the air which is harmful to all living organisms.
Emissions: Pollutants that are found in the atmosphere. Most commonly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, coal, or oil.

Why else is climate change bad?
In some parts of the world climate change is causing warming. This warming has caused many ice caps and icebergs to begin melting. It has also caused the ocean levels to rise. There are also many different animal species that are going extinct or becoming endangered. Some of these species include rhinos, tigers, gorillas, leopards, pandas, blue whales, and sea turtles. Forrest fires are another negative impact of climate change. These fires ruin habitats and leave many animals and humans homeless, and also cause air pollution.
Discussion questions to consider
What are some things that we can each do?
How will this affect you during your lifetime?
What about future generations?

Your Environmental Footprint
What can you do to help? Here are some helpful tips:
- Compost
- Eat less meat/buy organic meats and foods
- Look further into climate change. Do your own research
- Consume less fish/seafood
- Start your own garden
- Conserve water
Published: Sep 27, 2021
Latest Revision: Sep 27, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1206280
Copyright © 2021