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Web Accessibility Guide

  • Joined Jan 2023
  • Published Books 2


‘Website Accessibility’ is one of the most talked topics among the industry professionals and digital enthusiasts. We are living in the age of digitalization, and websites have become a basic human need to access for the real time information. Simply put, ‘web accessibility’ is the process of removing barricades and constructing a smooth road for the people with disabilities to operating theweb without depending upon anyone.


When a website is designed correctly, everyone can access it hassle free including people with disabilities. Hence, the term ‘web accessibility’ was coined. No matter if you are a designer, developer, online marketer, or a CEO, having information on website accessibility helps miles to create a stunning user experience for every kind of visitor. This little guide will help you to reach more audience, and to win
their sincere trust and lifelong loyalty.


Note: Adding features isn’t extra effort if you add them into your workflow.


“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” – Steve Jobs


When a website is created with HTML, the textual content of images and videos understand the text-to-speech and/or text-to-Braille features – and disabled people can easily get the information relevant to the particular topic.

Web Accessibility Guide by Kinex Media - Ourboox.com
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