The Tortoise and the Hare

by Tasneem
Artwork: Tasneem Jebreel
- Joined Dec 2021
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2021
Once upon a time there was village full of animals. In this village there was a Hare who thought he was the best of all the animals in the village. His ego was to high and he was so confident he would do better than any other animal.

The hare boasted that he is the fastest animal in the village and he would beat anyone in the race. All the animals were very angry of him because he was showing off all the time. So they decided to teach him a lesson. The Tortoise stepped up and challenged the Hare for a race. The Hare started laughing at the Tortoise for being sure he was going to win the race.

The Hare screamed out loud:
“Let’s race! But we both know I am the fastest ! I am going to win the race for sure ! “

The Hare started running so fast. He no longer can see the Tortoise behind him. He felt so joyful. The tortoise kept quite and they both stood up on the starting line preparing for the race.

The Hare started to feel tired. He looked back but he could no longer see the Tortoise behind him. So he decided to take a rest under a tree. The sun was too hot that day that he felt asleep. The Hare said to himself: “I think i can sleep for a while. The Tortoise is too slow and would never beat me.”

The Tortoise arrived close to the tree, and saw the Hare sleeping. She kept on moving and did not stop.

The Hare then woke up. He thought that the Tortoise was still behind and he jumped up tp continue to the finish line.
As the Hare was getting close to the finish line he saw the Tortoise ahead of him and he was astonished. He tried to run as fast as he could but he could not reach the Tortoise. The Tortoise was about to cross the finish line.

The Tortoise kept going on. The Hare saw Tortoise crossing the finish line. Oh oh! The Tortoise is winning. The Tortoise crossed the finish happily as she won the race. She felt very proud that she taught the Hare a lesson and all the animals cheered for her. The Hare would never boast of himself again.

Published: Dec 8, 2021
Latest Revision: Dec 8, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1242106
Copyright © 2021