by Shahar NOV
Artwork: Lia Goldberg and Shahar Nov
Copyright © 2021
The story of Ruth and Naomi

by Shahar NOV
Artwork: Lia Goldberg and Shahar Nov
- Joined May 2021
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2021
Part 1
Elimelech and his family left their land and their home in Bet-Lehem because there was hunger and they went to Moav.
after the death of Elimelech, his sons married two Moav women, Ruth and Orpa.
after ten years, Elimelech’s sons died too.
from all the family only Naomi, Ruth and Orpa were left.
Naomi decided to go back to Bet-Lehem because the hunger is over, even though she is poor and grieving.
Naomi said to Orpa and Ruth to go back to their own families.
Orpa listened to Naomi and went to her home.
Ruth decided to stay with Naomi, and she told her: “your people are my people and your G-d is my G-d”
Ruth went with Naomi to Bet-Lehem.
on her own initiative she decided to glean the grain, Naomi agreed and complimented her.
Ruth took Boaz attention by her modest way.
Boaz was interested in Ruth, and he discovered that she is relative to Elimelech.
Boaz asked Ruth to glean the grain only in his field and he gave her a special attention.
after a while Naomi gave Ruth advice to get Boaz to marry her.
Ruth knew that if she married Boaz it would help her take care of Naomi.
Ruth wore the most beautiful dress she had and went to met Boaz in his field.
when Boaz saw Ruth he decided that he wants to marry her and to raise a family with her.
Ruth and Boaz got married and soon they had a baby boy that in the future he became the grandfather of David king of Israel and Ruth became a great grandmother of David.
Part 2
We admire Ruth very much because she has two very important features:
one of them is diligence, we see her diligence in many moments, one of each is when Naomi and Ruth return to Bet-Lehem and Ruth doesn’t wait for Naomi to tell her.
and she is going to glean the grain on her own and she is doing it all day alone, so she can come home with enough food for a few days.
The second feature we chose is modesty:
after Boaz complanate Ruth and gave her a special attention she still call him sir, and ignore from the good things that Boaz said.
She see herself as his slave and she accept herself that she is a poor woman.
Part 3
Shahar: Accepting the Torah for me is that our people are united and it is very important to be united especially in this period and I think that when I believe in something that connects me very much to my people and my culture I feel special.
Lia: Accepting the Torah for me is to be connect to G-d and be better for everybody around me and to me.
Published: May 11, 2021
Latest Revision: May 11, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1132846
Copyright © 2021