The Physician tale by gabriella -
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The Physician tale

  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 1

Virginius, a knight, has only one child, Virginia, whose beauty is beyond compare and who is endowed of all the other noble virtues.

The Physician tale by gabriella -

One morning, in town, a judge named Appius catches sight of Virginius’ daughter, is smitten by her beauty and purity, and determines to have her at any cost. He sends for the town’s most disreputable blackguard, Claudius, and pays him to take part in a scheme to capture the girl.

The Physician tale by gabriella -

Claudius falsely accuses Virginius of having stolen a servant girl (Virginia) from Appius’ house many years ago and keeping her all these years, pretending that she is his daughter. Before Virginius can defend himself, the judge (Appius) orders that the young girl be brought immediately to the court.

The Physician tale by gabriella -

Virginius returns home and calls his daughter into his presence. She must, he says, accept either death or shame at the hands of Claudius and Appius. Virginia tells her father:”Blessed be God that I shall die a Maid. I take my death rather than take my shame. So do your will upon me”. Then she faints, and her father “smote off her head.”

The Physician tale by gabriella -

Virginius returns to the judge and hands him Virginia’s head. The judge orders the knight hanged for murder, but a throng of citizens, aroused by the Appius’ treachery, imprisons the judge. Claudius is to be hanged, but the knight pleads mercy and suggests exile instead.

The Physician tale by gabriella -

Virginia represents Christian purity, while Appius represents impurity. She choose to sacrifice herself at the cost of not falling into sin.
The Physician concludes his tale with the moral that “the wages of sin is Death” and let everyone forsake his sins.

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