I was reading a book, and what do you know?
I saw a tree in the garden below,
And in the tree I saw an eye,
And then a face,
And then a guy.
I closed my book
For a closer look.
There was a face within the tree,
And mother me, he was talking to me!
“Ask me three questions
Before you go,
And perhaps I will tell you
What I know.”
Are you for real or just something I see?
The face in the tree said “Heidi-hee”.
Is there a heaven for when we die?
The face in the tree said “Heidi-hi”.
Can you just answer yes or no?
The face in the tree said “Heidi-ho”.
I’ve answered three questions,
Now please go.
But I’m still here, waiting for when
The tree will talk to me again.
Published: Jul 24, 2021
Latest Revision: Jul 24, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-190483
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