The Freezing Arctic Tundra

by Ryan R.
- Joined Mar 2016
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2016

Table of Contents
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Page 5 Introduction
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Page 7 Plants In the Cold
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Page 9 Prey and Predotors
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Page 11 Many Freezing Storms
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Page 13 Conclusion
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Page 15 Cites

The climate is harsh,windy and cold. There are very few plants that live there. Animals have to adapt to survive. Can you guess which place I’m talking about, the Arctic Tundra of course it is all three of those things. The animals have to adapt,there are very few plants and it is harsh,cold and windy! Many plants live in the tundra, some grow large, some grow small.

Many shrubs and sedges grow right when the sun starts melting the snow. The tundra buttercup ( type of flower) is a very early head starter. Muskoxen and reindeer eat the plants. A plant that lives there is the bearberry, that can be red,white and pink it is a berry that can be used medically.

The animals in the tundra are the sources of life and death. Life is musk ox and reindeer and other mammals which eat plants. Death is coyotes and wolf and other predators that eat the other animals. Polar bears are a type of predators their main food source is seals and other fatty foods. Wolves and coyotes live and hunt in packs so it is very easy to hunt.

The climate in the tundra is very cold and windy. The temperature in the tundra can get to 10- or lower! The temperature is only a high of 54 degrees! The average wind speed is 35 mph and a high of (with out storms) 50 mph. Many white outs, snow storms, blizzards and ice storms happen there.

The Arctic Tundra is very interesting. Why you ask, because the environment it is so cold and windy. The plants are beautiful and the animals are amazing! It would be hard live in The Arctic Tundra,you need to always stay warm,and you need to hunt for yourself.

MacLean, Stephen F., Jr. “Tundra.” The New Book of Knowledge. Grolier Online, 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016
“Tern.” Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2016. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
“Tundra.” Britannica School.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2016. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
Published: Apr 7, 2016
Latest Revision: Apr 7, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-125184
Copyright © 2016