by Nevo
Copyright © 2020

by Nevo
- Joined Jun 2020
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2020
Once there was a dog named Tom. Tom was a clean and tidy dog. He lived in his own palace and there were many servants who looked after him. He was the nicest dog in town. He had a grandmother who looked after him and loved him very much. He was her best friend until one day the grandmother died. Before the grandmother died, she said one thing: anyone who would not take care of her beautiful dog, would not get the palace.
One day the grandmother’s daughter and her husband received the palace but they were evil and they didn’t care for the dog. The dog didn’t understand where the grandmother went. If the grandmother’s daughter can keep the dog for two weeks and take care of it, she would receive the palace. The daughter lost the dog so the daughter found a dog detective. She searched for it and the detective walked around the city and did not find the dog. It was with their neighbor and their neighbor cared for him.
Two weeks later, the inspector came and the detective found the dog at the last minute. He managed to reach the house before the neighboring inspector came to ask them if they saw their dog. The detective saw the grandmother’s daughter hugging the dog but the neighbor told the inspector that he had taken care of the dog for the past two weeks. So, the palace ended up going to the neighbor. The end.
Published: Jun 11, 2020
Latest Revision: Jun 11, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-869736
Copyright © 2020