The Brahmani and the Mongoose

by RyanCaleb

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The Brahmani and the Mongoose

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

Dev Sharma was a Brahmin who used to live with his wife in a certain town. One day, his wife gave birth to a son and they were very happy.

The Brahmani And The Mongoose - Panchatantra Story Picture

On the very same day, a female mongoose gave birth to a baby mongoose very near his house. As destiny would have it, the mother mongoose died soon after the birth.

When they observed this, they took pity on him and the Brahmin’s wife adopted the little mongoose and started looking after him as his own son.


She served her own breast milk to both her own son and the little mongoose, bathed them together and put oil on them together. She was a fond mother for both of them. Both her son and the mongoose were very fond of each other, and spent all the time together.

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