by Noa biton
Copyright © 2021
The Amish

by Noa biton
- Joined Mar 2021
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2021
The Amish

Amish history
The Amish are a Christian community in North America that reside in 22 states across America and Canada.
The Amish originated in Switzerland and Germany, during the 18th century most of them immigrated to the United States (following religious persecution) and settled in Pennsylvania.
The Amish believe in Jacob an artist who said that the Amish should live a humble and simple life and be different from the world.
The Amish believed that only adults who had confessed their faith should be baptized, and that they should remain separate from the larger society. Here began the Amish tradition of farming and holding ceremonial services in homes rather than churches.
Amish man clothes
all of the Amish community men wear black suits that are held with a hook and eye and have no pockets. The pants that the men wear have buttons and there is no belts are allowed because of the flashy buckle there are.
to the church, Amish men wear a plain white shirt with a black coat and vest overtop.
(Some men also wear black bow ties). The suit coat has no buttons or collars because these are all remind of military uniforms that represent the war that pacifist Amish reject.
All of the men and boys also wear either straw hats, for the summer, or black felt hats, for the winter.
the Amish believe that their clothes are an expression of their faith
Amish women clothes
The Amish women’s wardrobes are small. The Amish women have four dresses: One for wash, one for wear, one for dress, and one for spare.
A married woman wears a black cape and apron to church, and underneath a plain colored dress,
A single woman wears a white cape and apron to church, For the work around the family farm, women usually wear a gray apron.
Women usually go barefoot in the farm, and house, and they wear black shoes and stockings for the church.
Women also always wear prayer caps, or head coverings, that if they feel they need to pray, through the day.
Amish house
The Amish houses are pretty big and they have seven to eight rooms and small Wardrobe. they don’t use in electrical appliance, they believe that using in electrical appliance connect them to the world outside and they believe that they need to disconnect from the world outside.
In addition there are those who say that access to electricity can lead to many temptations of family life.
There are men in the Amish people who are engaged in carpentry and they build all the furniture in the houses
Amish family and life style
The family is the most important thing in the Amish life. they have Large families with seven to ten children. Chores are divided By man and wife in the Amish house – the man usually works on the farm ,and the wife does the house chores like cooking, cleaning and washing. the father is considered the head of the Amish family . the Amish speak German, but they learn English in school. (The Amish believe that divorce is forbidden and separation is a rare thing)
Amish occupations
Amish occupations are farm work and field work (men)
the women are a home worker they cook, clean…
The children go to school until age twelve
and then they help the parents with the farm and the care of the house.
The Amish people believe in equality for all without exception so everyone only uses carriages, not cars so there will be no class differences. Each district has its own carriage color. for example – the white is for the conservative district .

Amish’s education is different from ours [the education we are all having].
This issue has caused a great deal of controversy among Amish. At first when there were no schools for the Amish, they sent the children to schools in nearby villages.
At first it worked out very well for them until the schools started to grow, and the children started to arrive by shuttle, which was not well received by many people.
So the Amish people decided that they would open their own schools. The Amish people have changed the regular curriculum, so they study in schools until the age of 12/13, and after that they leave. The purpose of this is for the children to help their parents in agriculture.
The Amish believe that as soon as the child reaches adulthood he should start working. After the age of 12/13 the parents educate their children according to what they believe.
As we said earlier the Amish people are Christian people.
The Amish people have no churches but they do pray.
Every two weeks they gather in the barn of one of the friends.
When they gather then the whole congregation arrives without exception, the main part of the ceremony is in the singing of the hymns but also reading the sermons.
The holy book that the Amish people believe in is the Bible, which includes the Old and New Covenants, but they do not interpret it. In addition to the New Testament they have laws by which they live their daily lives. This system of laws is called “Ordong”.
Published: Mar 10, 2021
Latest Revision: Mar 10, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1071600
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