The Amish

by Tair Baharav
Member Since
Mar 2021
- Joined Mar 2021
- Published Books 1
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Copyright © 2021
The Amish
The Amish are a christian community in the USA that behaves like in the old days and don’t have modern appliances.
The Amish originaly came from Europe (around Swis and Germany )in the 18th century.
Why the Amish people dont use technlogy?
Amish people do not use electricity to concentrate as much as possible on their religion,
they believe that technology brings with it many temptations that are forbidden according to their belief
and that is why
They choose to be disconnected from the outside world.
what do they wear?
Amish people wear matching and dignified clothes –
girls -long dresses and headgear and
boys- wear tight shirts with buttons, straw hats, suspenders and wide pants.
what language do they speak?
The Amish people speak “Dutch” but their language is not realy Dutch – it’s a change of the German language with a little of English.
The Amish children learn in school only eight years.
What modes of transport they use?
The Amish mostly ride with horses and carriages because cars is forbidden to them.
They don’t drive in cars but they can take a ride with not amish people
and sometimes even with pay
An Amish family costume 👆
Thank you
for reading our book
about the Amish!💗
Published: Mar 2, 2021
Latest Revision: Mar 2, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1062566
Copyright © 2021
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