by lironsamon
Artwork: netzanet and liron
Copyright © 2021
The Amish

by lironsamon
Artwork: netzanet and liron
- Joined Mar 2021
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2021
Amish is a group of people who follow the traditional Christian church from Swiss Germany.
Amish pepole live in the United States, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which is the Center for Amish
Amish came to Pennsylvania in the early 18th century and still live there.
the Amish customs and lifestyle are very different from ours.
Amish live a simple life, dress in plain attire and avoid using modern technologies.
They don’t connect to electricity, they don’t use smartphones or any type of electrical appliance
They don’t drive cars, but they do ride horses and buggies
They are not allowed to be photographed and to take pictures
The Amish clothing style is simple
The typical amish man wear dark-colored suits, wide pants, straps, uniform-colored shirts, socks, black shoes and hats.
Amish’s women wear modest, uniformly colored dresses, usually with long sleeves and a skirt.
Amish pepole have their own special schools,
Amish children tend to spend time at home and around the farmand field with animals and wide areas.
The farm is the playground, although sometimes is dangerous there, children also meet at school to play
Amish women tend to deal with cooking, sewing compared to men who tend to deal with carpenters, farms, field.
In the past most of the people were farmers
But today most people work in carpentry and selling farm products
Amish people choose this way of life to rally as much as possible, to the family and the community.
They try to keep as much of their customs and traditions as possible
They try not to open up to the outside world to look after themselves
Published: Mar 2, 2021
Latest Revision: Mar 2, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1062549
Copyright © 2021