The Amish way of life.

by Tohar Bitton

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The Amish way of life.

  • Joined May 2020
  • Published Books 2

The Amish is a christian community. Their source is Germany and Switzerland. They live in North America. They are an oridinary people. They live a simple and easy life. They are avoiding electricity.

Their stayl is BOHO.- wide dresses and delicate colors.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The Amish kids are going to study up to ages 12 – 13. Their school are specified to the Amish community and not a regular school to prevent exposure the general society, and continue in tradition. And that is because they want them to be a farmer and agriculturist. They study in methods ” one room school ” to capture all the kid study together until age 12 -13.

The study in english.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -
The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

Amish’s community occupation are animal husbadry and agriculture. They see a crucial contact to the land working.

They don’t use machines but work with their hands. they also don’t hire outsiders workers so the kids are helping work from an early age.

Today, their products concidered as the best and helthier products since they are organic.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

As we mentioned  at the beginning, the Amish people are wearing wide and dark clothes and wide hats. in that way they recognize each other and they know easily who belongs to their community and who not.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The Amish people believes in community independence. They don’t want to get money or medical insurance from the government. They don’t have a bank accounts or savings.

and all their money, they invest in the farm.

All they want is to live by themselves.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The Amish people live in a regular villages. most of them have a farm. Their homes are simple. They don’t have water or electricity. All the home works they do by themslves. Outside they have fields where they grow vegetables and other food. Most of them don’t use cars but they have horses and buggys.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The Amish community don’t have a special place to pray. They are meeting once in two weeks  in the farm one of the community member. every body is comming – men women and kids. most of their ceremony containe songs and speachs.They learn from the bible and christian writings.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

When the Amish people get to mature age, They need to take the religiuos on themselves.

Then they have to preform a transfer seramony, and take some reponsibility on themselves.

(like a Bar / Bat Mitzve).

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The amish’s teenagers meet for songs evening every sunday. the meetings appointed to find male form the community. The weddings take place in November and December, on Tuesday and Thursday. The wedding takes place in the bride home, and takes four hours. The food is traditional, the bride sews her dress – blue dress.

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -


community – קהילה

prevent – למנוע 

agriculturist – חקלאי

mature age – גיל בגרות

independence – עצמאות

The Amish way of life. by Tohar Bitton -

The end!








Tohar Bitton.

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