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  • Joined Jan 2020
  • Published Books 1

Once apon time,there lived a miller who used to tell many lies.

One day,the king called the miller and said, “You have been telling people that your daughter can spin straw into gold. Bring her to my palace tomorrow. I want to test her.”תמונה קשורה


The miller felt sorry about lying, he couldn’t do anything about it. He had to take his daugter to the the palace.

The king took the girl to a room full of straw. And there was in one corner.

“Spin this straw into gold by tomorrow mornning or you will be die” said the king.


The king left the girl in the room and locked the door from outdide. The miller’s daughter sat in one corner and began crying.

“How can anyone spin straw into gold? I will be death by tomorrow”cryied the millers daughter.תמונה קשורה


Suddenly, the door opend and a goblin came inside the room.

“Why are you crying pretty girl?” he asked.

“The king has asked me to spin this straw into gold. but I don’t know how to do it.” the girl said.

“What will you give me if I do it for you?” asked the goblin.

“My necklace,” the girl replied.

The goblin sat down and started spinning. soon, to the girl’s wonder, all the straw was spun into gold!תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪rumpelstiltskin cartoon‬‏


Early next morning, the king came into the room. He was shocked to see that all the straw spinn into golded. But now he wanted more gold! He took the miller’s daughter to an even bigger room filled with straw.

“Spin all this straw into gold by tomorrow mornnig or you will be die,” said the king.

After the king left,  the mille’s daughter stared crying. Again, the door opend and the goblin came in . He spun the straw into gold, in exchange for a ring.


The king had now become greedier. Once again, he took the miller’s daughter to a huge room filled with straw.

“If you spin this straw into gold, then you become my queen,” said the king.

the goblin came back once again.

“What will you give me this time?” he asked.

But the girl had nothing to give him this time.

“Then promise to give me your first child after you become the queen,” said the goblin.

The girl agreed as she had no other choice.

When the king found all the straw spun into gold, he married the miller’s daughter.                                          תמונה קשורה


A few years passed. The queen gave birth to pretty child. One day, the goblin came to her and said, “You must fulfill your promise now.”

The queen was frightened. “take away as much gold as you want but spare mu child!” she cried. The goblin thought for a while and said,”If you can guess my name in three days, you can keep your child. If not, then I will take him away.”

So, the queen sent messengers all over the kingdom to gather different names.                               תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪rumpelstiltskin cartoon‬‏


On the second day, the queen told him all the names that she knew. But the goblin said, “None of these is my name.”

The next day, the queen told him all the uncommon names she knew. But the goblin shook his head.תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪rumpelstiltskin cartoon‬‏


On the third day, a messenger came to the queen. He said, “?Your highness, yesterday I saw a small hut on a hilltop.

In front of the hut a goblin was dancing and singing , “The queen doesn’t know that Rumpelstilktskin is my name.”

The queen was verry happy to hear this.תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪happy queen cartoon‬‏


When the goblin came on the third day, the queen thought for a while.

“Is your name Tom? Or is it John?”


“Is your nam Rumpelstiltskin?”

The goblin was shocked! He stamped his feet angrily and left. He was never seen again.תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪angry rumpelstiltskin cartoon‬‏


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