Do you remember the old Cinderella’s story ? When she was poor and met a charming prince that turned her into a lovely princess and they lived happily ever after ?
We going to tell you about the new twisted story.
Once upon a time, there was a young and beauty princess whose name was
Cinderella. She lived in a magnificient castle with her parents, the king and the queen.
At the age of eighteen, her father organizaded the biggest bal of the kingdom for married her. She sent her stepsisters, Anastasie and Javote for distributed invatations.

Near a farm and a forest lived David, a simple handyman who worked hard all the days because his stepmother threated his to abandoned far away.
During he was cooking the lunch he heard someone knock at the door. When the stepmother opened the door, he saw it was Ella’s stepsisters who announced the royal bal. He disappeared into his bedroom for made his customs with the help of his friends the mouses Jack and Angus. He wanted to go there for seduce the princess. As soon as his stepmother came his dreams falling appart because she teared up his customs.

She screamed and locked away he. He starded to sobb and a blue glow appearedin front of him; it was a good fairy.
She asked “Whats happened my dear boy ?”
He said tearfully ” I can’t go to the bal because I did not have time to make another customs”
With a voice as friendly as possible she saids ” What would you like me to do for you ?”
“Would not be what say, he still remaids quiet”
So, she decided to transform he like a rich and brave prince.
A short while later, he looked on the mirror and saw an elegant young man.
He was so happy to be wear of this way. So he kissed the good fairy to thank her.
“But don’t forget, you must leave before as the clock struck twelve“
He went out a time as possible, excited to met the princess.
Since his young age he had waited to find true love. His dream came true when he went in the hall of the castle and saw Ella who was dancing.
He invited she to dance,then they went to the garden and spoke all the night.
That was when he hearded the clock ringed, so he run because he did not would that Ella saw he like he was really.
But he was in such a rush that kill fell his ring on the stairs.
She stayed to do nothing.
One time he was not here she noticed the ring on the stairs.
The stepsisters who was passing by saw Ella desespered.
They had the idea to find the mysterious man with his ring make all the people try it.
After a lot of mistakes, she found the good man. When she came in, David took her in his arms but she pushed him because she was disappointed, it was not the prince of last night, in her eyes he was not the charming and handsome prince.
She banged the door and not lived happily ever after and not had a lot of childrens.
It must always found further than the apparence.

Published: Mar 3, 2017
Latest Revision: Mar 3, 2017
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