“Nature and Weather”

by Valya

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“Nature and Weather”


  • Joined Nov 2021
  • Published Books 1

Seasons List

List of spring words, summer words, winter words, and autumn words in English for ESL students.


List of Spring words in English.

Spring Words

  • Holiday
  • Rainbow
  • Rain
  • Butterfly
  • Flowers
  • Grass
  • Ladybird (U.K)/ ladybug (U.S)
  • Mushroom
  • Nest
  • Bird
  • Bee

Spring Words | Image

Spring Words | Image



Learn Summer words in English through Pictures.

Summer Words

  • Beach
  • Camping
  • Bikini
  • Drink
  • Sunglasses
  • Ice cream
  • Park
  • Swimming pool
  • Garden
  • Travel

Summer Words | Image

Summer Words | Image



Here is a list of  Autumn wordsin English.

Autumn Words

  • Apple harvest
  • Falling leaves
  • Pumpkin
  • Halloween
  • Back to school
  • Corns
  • Acorn

Autumn Words | Image

Autumn Words | Image



Learn useful Winter words  in English.

Winter Words

  • Boots
  • Snow
  • Log fire
  • Snowman
  • Socks
  • Skiing
  • Polar bear
  • Jacket
  • Scarf
  • Beanie (U.K)
  • Snowflake
  • Sledge (U.K)/Sled (U.S)
  • Mittens
  • Hot drink
  • Penguin

Winter Words | Seasons List Image

Seasons Vocabulary: Learn English Words for Seasons


The Weather in English

In English, we usually use it is when we talk about the weather.
This is normally: It is + adjective OR It is + verb-ing

It is + adjective = A description of the weather

  • It is sunny today.
  • It’s hot and humid today.
  • It’s a nice day today.

We can also say:
It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night)

  • It’s a fine day.
  • It’s a windy afternoon.

It is + verb-ing = This type of weather is happening now.

  • It’s drizzling outside.
  • It’s snowing.
  • Take an umbrella, it’s raining.

You can also use it is in different tenses

  • It was cold yesterday.
  • It will be cloudy tomorrow.

When you are learning vocabulary about the weather, it is important to remember that some of the words have a noun form, a verb form and/or an adjective form. For example:

  • Rain: (noun) The game was cancelled because of the rain.
  • Rain: (verb) I think it is going to rain later.
  • Rainy: (adjective) It’s a rainy day.

It pays to learn the different forms of each word and when they are used.

Nouns and Adjectives
Many times when we are talking about the weather, we can add the letter Y to the end of a noun to make it an adjective.

  • rain (noun) – rainy (adjective)
  • sun (noun) – sunny (adjective)
  • wind (noun) – windy (adjective)
  • cloud (noun) – cloudy (adjective)
  • fog (noun) – foggy (adjective)

Questions about the weather

People commonly ask about the weather by saying:

  • What’s it like out(side)?
  • How’s the weather?
  • What’s the weather like?
  • What’s the temperature?
  • What’s the weather forecast?
  • What’s the forecast for tomorrow?

Weather Vocabulary
(including extreme weather vocabulary)

Bright yellow and orange circle icon representing sunny weather

sunny:  the sun shines clearly in the sky and there is lots of bright light.

(It is also common to say the sky is “clear” when there is bright sun and no clouds).

round icon with clouds representing cloudy weather

cloudy:  there are many clouds in the sky.

(We also can say the sky is overcast when it is very cloudy).

Round icon with a sun and cloud illustrating partly-cloudy weather
partly-cloudy:  when there is both sun and clouds in the sky.

Umbrella with rain drops

rain:  when water falls from the clouds.

Umbrella with just a couple of raindrops

light rain:  when there is a small amount of rain.

We also call light rain drizzle or sprinkles:

  • It’s drizzling outside.
  • You don’t need an umbrella, it’s just sprinkling.
Umbrella with lots of raindrops falling on it

Heavy rain:  when there is a lot of rain.

It is also very common to say:

  • There is a downpour. (A sudden heavy rain)
  • It’s pouring down rain.
  • It’s raining cats and dogs.
Umbrella with raindrops and snow

freezing rain / sleet:  when part of the rain is water and part of the rain is frozen (snow).

Dark storm clouds with rain and lightning bolt

thunder storm:  a storm with thunder and lightning. Also called an electrical storm.

  • lightning: the flash of light in the sky during a storm.
  • thunder:  the loud noise in the sky that comes after lightning.
  • We say lightening “strikes” and call the flash of light a lightning bolt.
grey fog icon

fog:  small drops of water that float above the ground (and it can be difficult to see through this mist of water).

  • foggy weather.
  • We say thick fog.
  • The fog was so thick I could barely see the other cars on the road.
Illustration of a wind sock tool

windy:  when there is a lot of wind.

“strong / light”  collocate with the word wind in English:

strong winds: when the wind is blowing with a lot of force.

light winds (breezy):  when there is a light breeze.

Illustration of icy frost

frost:  a thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces (e.g., grass, ground, windows of a car) when the air is very cold.

  • We say heavy / light frost.
  • We say things are covered with frost (or covered with a layer of frost).
  • defroster melts frost off car windows by using warm air to melt the ice.
round icon with snowflake

snow:  soft, light pieces of frozen rain that fall from the sky when it is cold.

The individual pieces are called snowflakes and have beautiful designs.

Icon with grey cloud, wind and snow balls
blizzard:  a severe snow storm with a large amount of snow and often high winds.

illustration of tornado

tornado:  a powerful storm where very high winds move around in a circle around a point.

  • We say a tornado “touches down” on the ground.
  • A tornado moves or travels in a path.
  • Example:  The tornado touched down in Kansas and 15 houses in its path were completely destroyed.
swirling hurricane icon
hurricane:  a very powerful and destructive storm that has extremely high winds.

forest fire icon with four trees and a flame
forest fire:  a major uncontrolled fire that sweeps through a wooded area (forest) burning many trees and wildlife.

flood icon with house and water
flood:  a large amount of water that covers land that is usually dry.

earth quake icon with house and crack going through it
earthquake:  the surface of the earth shakes and moves and can cause great damage and devastation if it is very strong.

illustration of volcano erupting
volcanic eruption:  a sudden explosion that comes from the open part of a volcano.

tsunami icon illustration with large wave about to cover beach and buildings
tsunami:  an extremely high wave in the ocean that is often caused by an earthquake and causes great devastation when it reaches land. (Also called a tidal wave).

illustration of a thermometer
thermometer:  an instrument used to measure the temperature.

two round icons with

Celsius and Fahrenheit are the two main scales used to measure the temperature.  In the United States, the weather is reported in Fahrenheit.

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