Nancy Wake was born in August 30th in Wellington, New Zealand to a christian family and was the youngest of six children, then died at the age of 98 in August 7th in 2011 in London, England. At the age of 16 she ran away from home and started working as a nurse. With only 200 pound, that she had inherited from her aunt, she traveled to New York City, then to LOndon where she trained herself to be a journalist. In 1339 Wake married a wealthy frenhman industrialist named Henri Edmond Fiocca. Wake was called “The White Mouse” for the way she deftly avoided the Gostapo’s traps, and was one of the most effective British agents who worked in the German-occupied france during World War 2.
In 1940, Wake became an envoy among French insurgents. She later joined the smuggling network. Thanks to her talent for escaping the Gestapo, she was named “The White Mouse”. She became a significant figure in the “Mackie” and led 7,000 underground soldiers, who carried out operations against the SS.
Published: Jan 29, 2020
Latest Revision: Jan 29, 2020
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