Title:nail juha.
writer:Ali Ahmad Bakatheer.
Ali Ahmad Bakatheer (1910 – 1969), is an Arab writer whose origin is from (Hadramawt), but he was born in Indonesia, because the Hadramis (who are the people of Hadramout) were merchants, and they used to base themselves in Indonesia, and bases from which their trade was launched, and his father Ahmed was a merchant. Ali Bakathir was born in 1910, then his father sent him to Hadhramaut, to live with his uncles, and to learn from them the Arabic language and eloquence in its pronunciation and writing.
Ali Ahmed very much
He is Ali bin Ahmed bin Muhammad Bakthir al-Kindi, born on 15 Dhu al-Hijjah 1328 AH corresponding to December 21, 1910 CE, in Surabaya, Indonesia, to Arab parents from Hadramout. When he reached the age of ten, his father traveled with him to Hadhramaut, to establish an Arab-Islamic upbringing with his father’s brothers, so he reached the city of Seiyun with Hadramout on Rajab 15, 1338 AH corresponding to April 5, 1920 CE. There he received his education at the Al-Nahda Scientific School and studied Arabic and Sharia sciences at the hands of evacuated sheikhs, including his uncle, the poet, linguistic grammar, judge Muhammad bin Muhammad Bakthir. His talents appeared early, so he composed poetry when he was thirteen years old, and he taught at the Al-Nahda Scientific School and administered it when he was under twenty years of age.
Kind of the story:funny Because Joha used to visit his nail every day and one day, Juha slept at the nail, then the owner of the house saw him and then said, I will leave the house for you and forge your nail every day.
Characters:Juha and the owner of the house.
Two facts about the plot:Juha wanted to sell his house.
The man bought Juha’s house.
I like /don`t like the story: Because it’s funny.
The story is:interesting/boring/funny.
I recommend/don`t recommend the story because:I recommend reading Juha’s nail story because it’s funny.
Published: Jan 29, 2021
Latest Revision: Jan 29, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1025362
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