MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
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Artwork: Fight for your rights

eTwinning project 2022-2023
  • Joined Jan 2023
  • Published Books 1

Team 1: Voicu Corina, Romania with Fitore Mulaj, Albania

Team 2: Paula Dobrin, Romania with Gaia Giorgetti, Italy

Team 3: Moț Cornelia, Romania with Candelora Santoro, Italy

Team 4: Voicu Corina, Romania with Pelagia Apostolidou, Greece

Team 5: Jolanta Zamoyska with Efi Katsigianni, Greece



Team 6: Ezgihan Turkurkor, Turkey with Achim Paula, Romania

Team 7: Evangeli Langopoulou, Greece with Buta Ramona Dora, Romania

Team 8: Nadya Stankova, Bulgaria with Athina Gkarmpola, Greece

Team 9: Assiye Șahin Akbulut, Turkey with Armine Safaryan, Armenia

Team 10: Oprea Elena, Romania with Stergiani Michaentzaki, Greece


Team 11: Sema Altıntaș, Turkey with Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu, Romania

Team 12: Emine Kaya, Turkey with Ranca Aureliana, Romania

Team 13: Kadriye Ozge Kilic, Turkey with Voicu Corina, Romania

Team 14: Sara Pistolesi, Italy with Ayşe Nur Altunok, Turkey


Team 1: Voicu Corina, Romania with Fitore Mulaj, Albania

Meet an idol: Meeting with the Royal Family

History comes alive at Aiud! The Royal Train stopped for a few minutes at the station in Aiud. 12 students from the school units in Aiud and Ciumbrud with the History teacher Corina Voicu were invited to travel with the Royal Family to Teiuș. Impressed by where they were, the students learned the story of the Royal Train and the historical events it witnessed over time! A unique moment in life, where we witnessed history! Born in exile after the forced abdication of her father, King Mihai, Princess Margareta spent the first part of her life in Great Britain and Switzerland. She studied at the University of Edinburgh and has worked in several UN bodies. The princess is involved in humanitarian activities, helping and fighting for children’s rights and is the President of the Red Cross.


Team 1: Voicu Corina, Romania with Fitore Mulaj, Albania

Meet an idol: Meeting with the Royal Family


Team 1: Voicu Corina, Romania with Fitore Mulaj, Albania

Meet an idol:

We met the well-known writer of our country, Viktor Canosinaj. The students have a conversation about his books. He has played an important role in the protection of children’s rights, topics that he has addressed in his books.


Team 2: Paula Dobrin, Romania with Gaia Giorgetti, Italy

We have met our “idol” in the person of a parent, a law graduate, who engaged us in a very productive discussion about rights and responsabilities and helped us better understand that knowing both our rights and responsibilities is essential for a happy, well-balanced life in a healthy society. If we are informed about our rights, we can easily recognise and condemn all forms abuse and having full knowledge of our responsibilities helps us adopt a proper behaviour with other people.


Team 2:Paula Dobrin, Romania with Gaia Giorgetti, Italy


We met our classmate’s grandad Agostino.He is retired and he is now a TELE-AID volunteer, that is, he helps elderly people who are alone, who do not have a family. Every day, the volunteers take turns calling these elderly people on the phone and asking if they are well or if they need anything. Elderly people have a kind of alarm hanging around their necks and if they need or feel bad they press a button and the volunteers immediately go to the rescue.

We met also some firefighters and they told about earthquakes, fires, people or animals they have saved. We asked a lot of questions, especially how they feel when they manage to save lives and when unfortunately they don’t.
We are glad to have talked to these people who help others and many of us would do this when we grow up.

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 3: Moț Cornelia, Romania with Candelora Santoro, Italy

Liceo Statale G. F. Porporato – Pinerolo – Italy .

This morning we met some volunteers who have told us about their experience in Africa. This is what Silvia, one of my students has written after the meeting

“During the meeting , some volunteers told us about their work in Madagascar or in Africa.

They told of the serious situation in which these people live : they cook and eat on the ground and there are no functional hospitals. The task of this organization is to ensure good health care and hygiene  , taking  into account the  avaliable resources.




MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 4: Voicu Corina, Romania with Pelagia Apostolidou, Greece

Meeting with the university professor Tulbure Adrian from the University 1 Decembrie 1918, Alba Iulia.


Team 4: Pelagia Apostolidou, Greece with Voicu Corina, Romania

10th Primary School Alexandroupolis

Pelagia Apostolidou

The young students of the school had an interesting meeting with the Social Worker of the school. She spoke to them about their rights, explaining to them the need for their existence in order to be happy.

She explained to them that she is at the school to help them solve serious problems as well as simple everyday difficulties that arise.

In conclusion she spoke to them about the right to respect.

We treat others in a beautiful way so that others treat us with respect.

It was an interesting discussion.

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 5: Jolanta Zamoyska with Efi Katsigianni, Greece

English Teaching Market – a truly educational feast has begun.
To welcome, Professor Jacek Pyżalski talked about artificial intelligence. Chance? Danger? Hope? Horror?
And today, together with because it’s worth talking about what is good… we will talk about the positive value of using projects in teaching foreign languages.



MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 5: Jolanta Zamoyska with Efi Katsigianni, Greece

The 3rd Primary School of Pyrgos celebrated the safe internet day with an event held with schools in Greece and Cyprus where the children were informed through fairy tales about the correct use of the internet and the dangers it can hide. Everything was done through games and stories and at the end there was a discussion about the children’s concerns and their own experiences. We use the internet safely and we are always next to our children!!!


MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 6: Ezgihan Turkurkor, Turkey with Achim Paula, Romania


We have an interview next week with a war correspondent who was a witness to Syria and Afghanistan wars :/ he will tell us what he did and what he observed. We thought war takes life and education rights from people and children. So we invite him to our school. His name is Levent Öztürk.

He was born on September 10, 1970 in Düzce. After his college education, he continued his education at Eskişehir Anadolu University Faculty of Economics and started working as a reporter in Dünya Ekonomi Newspaper in 1990. We talked about Afghan war and Afghan women and children rights. We said rights but in the middles east we can say there are no rights for women and children. My students asked many questions to him and he informed us patiently. We are appreciated for this interview.


MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 6: Ezgihan Turkurkor, Turkey with Achim Paula, Romania

Les Dilettantes »

The theater troupe of the Secondary School “Stephan the Great” Alexandria


MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 7: Evangeli Langopoulou, Greece with Buta Ramona Dora, Romania

Hara Karioti

She is a  teacher of the special school of our city Ms Karioti .She has a master’s degree in human rights and spoke about the right of children with special needs to education.

The children discussed ,werw informed,expressed their opinions and through a role -playing game found out the difficulties that children with special needs face every day!

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 7: Evangeli Langopoulou, Greece with Buta Ramona Dora, Romania


Cristi Pavel


Cristi Pavel is a well-known motivational speaker. Born in Aiud, he went to high school at the Aiud Technological High School and then studied at the Faculty of Psychology in Cluj Napoca.

Conduct motivational courses and workshops on How to be successful? How to manage your time? Fear of public speaking.

Master’s Degree Counseling and Psychological Interventions in Human Development · Lives in Cluj-Napoca.


MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 8: Nadya Stankova, Bulgaria with Athina Gkarmpola, Greece

PBO in Bulgarian education
Welcoming the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 8: Nadya Stankova, Bulgaria with Athina Gkarmpola, Greece

Γιώργος Αυγερόπουλος, greek journalist

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 9: Assiye Șahin Akbulut (student,Tayibe,Sarp,Sıdıka,Şeyma)-Turkey with Armine Safaryan, Armenia

İstanbulluoğlu Social Sciences High School hostel was built in 2018. 48 male students and 48 female students stay as boarders. There are study rooms, ironing room, suitcase room, prayer room, infirmary, bedrooms, sinks and bathrooms in the hostel. students can sit in the common areas, watch TV and have a good time together. Students can walk and do sports in the hostel garden. All members of the school can use the hostel cafeteria. Since our school is full time, teachers, students staying at their homes and working staff benefit from the cafeteria. In the hostel, there are guitar, piano, folk dance, diction and violin courses according to the interests of the students. The assistant principal arranges the entrance and exit times of the students in accordance with them.

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 9: Armine Safaryan, Armenia with Assiye Șahin Akbulut,Turkey 

Tairov school, Armenia

My students had a very exciting meeting with a young journalist, popular TV personalities and students from other schools. They had an interesting discussion about women’s rights and job opportunities for women in Armenia.

They also had a very interesting meeting with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia. They learned what the responsibilities of the office are and had the opportunity to discuss children’s rights and the rights of disabled people with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and get answers to their questions.


MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
Team 10: Oprea Elena, Romania with Stergiani Michaentzaki, Greece

Meeting with Elena Barbu, local journalist




MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 10: Oprea Elena, Romania with Stergiani Michaentzaki, Greece


A……“special” visit!!  
        On Wednesday, January 25, the 3rd and 4th grade students visited the SOS Children’s Village in Aristinos. The village was relatively small, but nice. It had two-story, colorful houses, a soccer field and a small playground. Also, there was a large hall with many chairs and a projector. Arriving there, Mrs. Stavroula and Mrs. Korina, who are social workers, were waiting for us. We immediately gave the food we had collected to the school, to help the people living there. They thanked us and then told us about how SOS Villages work.




Team 11: Sema Altıntaș, Turkey with Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu, Romania




”George Călinescu” Secondary School, Onești, România


The right to health is a necessary right for everyone!
For this reason, we met during the activity with Dr. Secara O. and representatives from the Onești Municipality Police, who explained to the students the consequences of smoking on their health, but also the risks to which the students are exposed. This activity consisted in the acquisition and development of a behavior structured on educational and moral values among the students.





Team 12: Emine Kaya, Turkey with Ranca Aureliana, Romania

Team 12: Emine Kaya, Turkey with Ranca Aureliana, Romania


Yunus Emre Avcu is a postgraduate Information and Communication Technologies teacher at Istanbulluoglu Social Sciences High School. He and his team created instructional material Children Rights on Hopscotch Game to raise awareness of primary and secondary school children about Children’s Rights Convention and to make children learn their rights in a joyful and cooperative atmosphere. While they were making the Children’s Rights on Hopscotch Game their base aim were supporting active learning and permanent learning and improve children’s emotional and social skills. We can say it as the game is designed based on active and experiential learning approach, also general criteria of instructional material design and educational game technique is considered as a prior.


Team 12: Emine Kaya, Turkey with Ranca Aureliana, Romania

Csilla Balogh is a speech therapist in Aiud. She has been working with troubled children for a lifetime, especially those with autism and Down syndrome. 12 years ago, what she could do in the extremely limited framework of the cabinet in the city no longer seemed to her to be enough. She felt that patients needed more than a therapy session, they needed an open space, joy, smile and confidence in themselves in order to heal. She studied, she informed himself, and everything he learned somehow happily overlapped with the promise that someone had made her, to give him some horses. 

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Ranca Aureliana, Romania


Team 13: Kadriye Ozge Kilic, Turkey with Voicu Corina, Romania


We had an interview with an animal rights defender ,Aslı Okay. She is also a parent in our school. Below you can read our interview and watch our video.


Aytuna HÖTAL : Hello can you introduce yourself?

Aslınur Okay : Hi my name is Aslinur Okay. I’m an English teacher. I work at Ankara University.

Aytuna HÖTAL : Nice to meet you. What do you do to protect animals?

A.O : Nice to meet you too. There are lots of things to protecting animals but I’m just an ordinary citizen who is Just trying to do what she can for the animal rights and I try to help the animals in the street (stray animals and feral animals).


Voicu Corina, Romania

Meeting with university professor Marcel Muntean from Babeș Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca who spoke to us about the right to education and about the creative genius of Constantin Brâncuși.




MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 14: Sara Pistolesi, Italy with Ayşe Nur Altunok, Turkey


On 28th March we met Mrs Guarini, a teacher of Italian of our school who is a member of an association that wants to tackle Violence against Women. We split up the class into groups and asked them to prepare questions for the meeting. Our Idol spoke both in English and Italian and our students had to take notes during the session and then in class write the answers in English as well as a comment of the activity.

MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -

Team 14: Sara Pistolesi, Italy with Ayşe Nur Altunok, Turkey


Zekeriya GÜZELDAL, the principal of the school, took an active role in the aid made over Düzce in the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquake. We asked him a few questions about it.
How did you feel when you first heard about the earthquake and what did you do?
I’m so sorry, first I called my friends in those towns. I met with Adana mufti Mehmet Bey and Malatya mufti Şahin Bey. I called at 4.20 in the early hours of the morning. I remembered the situation. They were alive, but everything was destroyed.
  What motivated you to fundraise?
We experienced 3 earthquakes: August 17, November 12 and November 23. He used to say this ordeal and because I know the problems well and I know that they have experienced it 10 times, I immediately wanted to mobilize our teachers, staff and students.
MEET AN IDOL by Fight for your rights - Illustrated by Fight for your rights -







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