Marbling Art

by Tülin Arslanpınar
- Joined Nov 2018
- Published Books 49
Copyright © 2020
How is marbling made?
Before marbling, the boat is filled with water with a tragacanth.
Ebru boat is simply an aluminum baklava tray.
Tragacan is the essential fluid of a plant and is sold in spice sellers (attars). A handful of wiping or crushing two tablespoons of tragacan are kept in two liters of water for 3 or 4 days.
It is ensured that the tragacanth swells well in water.
The swollen trag is kneaded by hand in water and fed into the water. The lumpy water should have a thick or thin texture.
The prepared liquid is cleaned by filtering with a fine cheesecloth.
Finally, it is emptied slowly (without foaming) into the boat.

Soil paint is used in marbling.
Soil paints of different colors are thoroughly crushed between two glass surfaces (or ceramics, chrome).
Light water is added during crushing.
The animal reward is added to the obtained mud-like paint for 15 days or a month.
The paint is cooked with reward acid.
After waiting, the product is diluted and used.
If paint is not opened, reward is added. The paint is diluted to lighten the color.
Marbling Art Application(Ebru Sanatı Uygulamaları)

The prepared paints are dripped onto the upper surface of the previously prepared trapped water with the help of a brush or metal stick.
If a pattern or figure is to be made, it is again metal rod, comb etc. It is shaped with tools.
We cannot pinpoint the opening of the paints and the roundness of the shapes.
However, we have an idea.
We can know exactly what the marbling we make will be, not exactly how it will look like.
Therefore, it is impossible to make the same marbling twice.
One marbling can be done once. Every marbling carries the signature of the moment it is made…

The paper is neatly deposited on the surface of the boat, allowing the paint to penetrate the paper. We can now call the paper properly drawn from the boat.
Ebru is left to dry in a clean and windless environment.

Students Presentations about Marbling Art(Ebru Sanatı Öğrenci Sunumları)
Marbling Art Student Studies(Ebru Sanatı Öğrenci Çalışmaları)

Student Thoughts with the Marbling(Ebru) Art Application
Ebru Sanatı Uygulaması ile Öğrenci Düşünceleri
Published: Feb 10, 2020
Latest Revision: Feb 10, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-730010
Copyright © 2020