Lord Voldemort’s Will by adi dagan - Illustrated by Adi Dagan and Aya Fishler - Ourboox.com
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Lord Voldemort’s Will


Artwork: Adi Dagan and Aya Fishler

  • Joined Apr 2019
  • Published Books 1


A long, bony hand sent to scroll of parchment.

“The Dark Lord’s will.”  Said a weak, high-pitched voice.

‘You’ll have to do it.’  Was written on the paper.

“But how can a piece of paper force us to do what he wants?”  Said the man with the yellowish hair.

Crackles were heard from the will and sparks were discovered and flew around the husband and wife.
“Lucius, what’s going on?”   Asked Narcissa Malfoy.

“Marcos-Melatonia. So that the way the paper gonna do it. We’ll die if we won’t.”

‘Hello, dear death eater who stay alive to make my will come true.’ read the poor couple.

‘as I hope you already understood, you are bound by my spells, and you are committed to fulfilling the mission, which is:’

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