by yael
Copyright © 2020
ASD Introduction
Everyone in the 6th grade already knows where they are going to learn next year, except my dear son.
It’s already July 15th and I still don’t know where Oz is going to learn!!!!
I’ve tried everything, I called and sent mails to the municipal offices, I called and sent mails to the school itself – but nothing.

My dear child was diagnosed with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), well he is the star of my life. He taught me so much about being a mother.
Taking care of him is always pushing the limits to the edge. I fight for him with everything I’ve got. Registering to junior high is one of the many battles I need to fight for him.
Luckily, he is an amazing child. He is an independent high functional child. Until last year he studied in regular education. We now decided to put him in a special education class.

For an ASD child it is very important to know ahead what’s going on. He has to prepare himself in order to function properly.
My frustration was unbearable. How come others know where they will study but my son doesn’t. He said “good bye” to the elementary school but when the other children asked him “Where are you going to learn next year?” I felt a huge pain in my heart.

I decided to put more pressure on the system. I mailed a few more mails to the municipal offices’. Once a day, I sent a mail – an angry mail.
After a week, suddenly my phone rang. The secretary of the senior manager from the municipality was on the line. She called to tell me that the special class is going to open in the school I wanted – this is a huge progress. Now I know that there is a special class. She also said – that she can’t guarantee that Oz is going to be there. I have to wait until I get the formal scheduling from the municipality.
Now I feel like I’m dancing Tango, one step ahead two step backwards.
We are almost at the end of July now – and we still don’t know what’s going on.
Thank God, after another week, I received a phone call from Yael, she is the secretary of the school I wanted. She announced that Oz was registered at their school and they want to invite him for an introduction interview.

Finally, at the end of July I know where does he going to learn

Published: Aug 10, 2020
Latest Revision: Aug 14, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-896259
Copyright © 2020