- Joined Jan 2019
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2019
Amongan gives birth to Lam-ang, a baby of incredible strength and courage. The boy asks his mother about his father’s whereabouts and learns that he has gone to fight the Igorot and perished.

Lam-ang arms himself with charms and decides to avenge his father against the Igorots. Lam-ang slays them all with his spear and mutilates the last among them.

Lam-ang hears of a beautiful maiden named Ines Cannoyan, daughter of the richest man of the town of Kalanutian. He tells his mother of his desire to court the maiden. Although his mother discourages him, he goes anyway, dressed in gold and accompanied by his pet rooster and white dog.
Reaching Kalanutian, he impresses Ines with his magic. His rooster crows and topples a small outhouse. His dog barks and the outhouse is rebuilt. Ines invites him to the house where the rooster acts as Lam-ang’s spokesperson.

Ines’ parents ask for a bride price, which Lam-ang agrees to give. Lam-ang returns home to prepare for the wedding and the presents. He and his townfolk sail on two golden ships to Kalanutian where Lam-ang and Ines have a Catholic wedding. The townspeople board the two ships to Nalbuan, Lam-ang’s birthplace, to continue the celebration.

After the celebration, Lam-ang agrees to hunt “rarang” a shellfish. He is swallowed by the giant fish “berkakang” as he has dreamt so.

A diver recovers his bones. The pet rooster flaps its wings and resurrects Lam-ang.

Lam-ang rewards the diver and lives happily with his wife and pets.

Published: Jan 5, 2019
Latest Revision: Jan 5, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-551395
Copyright © 2019