Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -
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Kindness in Us

  • Joined Dec 2021
  • Published Books 1

School: Mehmet Akif Ersoy P.S.

Teacher: Esma Kılıçlar Şahin



Once upon a time, there was a girl named Alicia. She lived happily with her family, friends and animals in a small town. She believed in the power of kindness. She always wanted to have a magic wand to spread kindness everywhere.

One day Alicia went to woods to smell flowers and sing with birds. She liked singing with birds very much. And she noticed something in the middle of the beautiful flowers. It was the magic wand that she had always dreamed about.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: Mehmet Akif Ersoy P.S.

Teacher: Zuhal İncekoca




Alicia got surprised when she saw the magic wand. She was on cloud nine. When she took the wand, an unbelievable event happened. Suddenly, a big lake appeared in the middle of the woods and this was a gorgeous thing for the animals. The  animals began to gather around  the  lake. Alicia was so happy.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: 15th Primary School of Evosmos

Teacher: Eugenia Kesidou



Alicia continued walking through the woods. Suddenly, she heard a bird twitting sadly. She looked down and she noticed a bird lying on the ground. She quickly waved her magic wand and the bird returned to its nest. Alicia was really excited with her new wand. This could help her make her dream come true… When she walked out of the forest, she saw two young boys fighting about a toy. She went closer and said: “Please,stop it. Friends don’t fight!” and the wand got bright out of the blue…

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: Mehmet Akif Ersoy P.S.

Teacher: Halise Mahum



This bright light suprised both Alicia and fighting boys. One of the boys said “Where did you find that wand ? It has a beautiful brightness.” Alicia answered, “I found it in the woods. I did many kind actions with this wand and I will continue doing many more”. The boys wanted to have the wand by force and Alicia  ran away with the wand in her hand.





Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: 15th Primary School of Evosmos

Teacher: Angeliki Voreopoulou



Suddenly, Alicia stopped and pointed the wand to the boys.  The wand became bright again and the boys stopped chasing her.  They became happy, kind and friendly.  “Sorry, Alicia. Let’s be friends!” . “Ok”, said Alicia. “Let’s go and play together at the park!”. On the way there Alicia asked them “What’s your name?”

“My name is George and this is Jake”, said one of the boys.  The happy group was almost in front of the park.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: JU Deveta osnovna škola, Maoča, BiH

Teacher: Emina Šabanović- Kopčalić



The happy group was almost in front of park, when they met an old woman. She was seeking for something in the trash can. Children greeted her and asked what she is searching for and if they can help her.  Old woman looked so exhausted and in a weak voice said that she is searching for some food. Then she sat on a nearby bench and started to talk them her life story.. Children was listening her carefully..

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: Hamdi Bulgurlu P.S.

Teacher: Dilara Baycan



The kids listened to the old woman carefully. She had struggled a lot her whole life.The kids wanted to help her, so Alicia waved her wand and a huge pile of food appeared right in front of the old lady. The young girl waved her wand once more and now the lady had clean new clothes. The field next to the park was not empty anymore, there was a new built house for the old woman to live in. She was so grateful. She thanked to the children. The children felt so happy, they were proud of themselves.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: 9th Primary School of Giannitsa

Teacher: Matina Siamitra



“What a nice feeling you get when you help others!” Alicia sighed. “Indeed. You know, I feel much happier than before” said George. “So do I”  Jake agreed. “What about going on with kind acts? In this way, we’ll give a helping hand to those in need and we’ll be happier too! Isn’t it amazing?” Alicia proposed. “What a brilliant idea!” the two boys exclaimed. “Brilliant indeed” a faint voice was heard and themagic wand got even b righter. “Who said that?? Who is it? Look! The magic wand can speak!” the kids were all surprised. Suddenly, a cute face was formed on the wand.”Hello kids! Yes, it’s me, the wand of Kindness!”. The kids couldn’t believe their eyes. “Wow! You are so magic!”. “Well, actually not that much. Children call me magic, but they don’t know that it’s the kindness in their good hearts that does everything. Now that you’ve realized the value of being kind, you don’t need me anymore.  You can spread kindness to others by sharing your own kind actions. Time for me to have a good rest back in the woods where you found me, in the beauty of nature! You can always find me there in case you need me. Bye for now kids and keep in mind, Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible!” said the wand and out of the blue, it disappeared.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: Hamdi Bulgurlu P.S.

Teacher: Emine Aydın



Alicia, George, and Jake were surprised by the disappearance of the magic wand,but now believed in the power of kindness in them. Together they made their way towards the town.While chatting among themselves, they decided that they should do something for stray animals as well. Jake was delighted with the idea and said,”You’re right, kindness is to love all living things.”

First of all, they decided to ask their families for help to feed the stray animals and build a house for them.

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -

School: “G.Deledda” dpt of “J.Stella” Muro Lucano 

Teacher: Anna Filomena Mungiello



When the kids arrived at home they shared the ideas with their parents. They told  it is important to be kind with people but also with animals above all stray animals  because they usually wander alone on the streets and roads looking for food, care and some love! Their parents liked the idea  and promised to  help them. Soon they went to the Mayor and asked for the permission to have a place where their kids could welcome the “stray animals” as an act of kindness. The idea became true into a little time. The kids were so happy to welcome dogs, cats and also some birds. Each day Alicia , George and Jake visited the new friends not only to feed them but also to spend a bit time with them.

Sometimes one act of “kindness” can change your life!

Kindness in Us by kindnessbeginswithus -
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