Presented by:Bailsan slemane
Presented to:Teacher Sawsan shehadehe
Name of school:Marah Alguzlan

Story ID:
1-Name of Story:Ginger the Giraffe
2-Kind of story: Kenya in savannah
4-Characters:Ginger-Mickey-A Zebra-Leo-

What did you learn from the story:
I learned from the story how to help others and frindship
is beautiful And also the only way to get know each
other And Its like a lot of friends to me , like Gingers

Recap the Story:
A giraffe named Ginger lives in the savanna with long legs and
also has animal friends such as Mickey (the monkey), Leo (the
lion), the zebra and the elephant… Ginger was helping
everyone when they needed help, and suddenly, hours later,
there was a fire in her forest, and she and her animal friends
ran away so they wouldn’t die, and then the rain started to
come down and put out the fire. Everyone rejoiced, went back
to the forest, and Ginger ate her leaves in joy.

Everyone was very happy. It started raining a little bit more and
then a little bit more. The rain put out the fire so they did not
have to flee and the rain filled their water vents and made the
plants grow again, so they did not have to make the long
journey to the edge of the forest. Soon everyone was getting
enough food and water. So Ginger, the giraffe returns to its
favorite tree and continues to chew leaves and shoots.

Published: Feb 14, 2021
Latest Revision: Feb 14, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1043716
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