by yael the hoe
Copyright © 2018
George Esler- story of a hero

by yael the hoe
- Joined Dec 2017
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2018
George Elser was born in 4 January 1903, in Germeny. He died in 9 April 1945. Known by Hitler murder trial.
When he finished school, he started to work as a woodworker.
in a clocks factory, he met some woman and they had a child. they decided to not getting marry so he came back to his parents house. He started to work in another factory, in this factory he discovered a little bit about the natism arms. after Munich (מינכן) agreement , George was convinced that there is going to be a war. He thought that only Hitler’s murder will avoid this war.
In 8 November 1939, Georg tried to kill Hitler. A year before, he consider his moves before the assassination. He feared Hitler’s aggressive warmongering and foresaw the coming of war and resolved himself, in his own way, to do something to prevent it, and that was killingl Hitler. Exactly a year earlier before the fateful night, on the 8 November 1938, Elser attended the same annual commemoration in Munich marking the anniversary of Hitler’s failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. And it was this annual event, he decided, that would provide the perfect opportunity to implement his audacious plan. He decided to put a bomb under the pulpit in the hall.
The start time of the reunion was brought forward half an hour to 8 p.m. and Hitler cut his speech from the planned two hours to a one-hour duration. Hitler ended his address to the 3000-strong audience of the party faithful at 9:07 p.m., 13 minutes before Elser’s bomb exploded at 9:20 p.m. By that time, Hitler and his entourage had left the Bürgerbräukeller. The bomb brought down part of the ceiling and roof and caused the gallery and an external wall to collapse, leaving a mountain of rubble. About 120 people were still in the hall at the time. Seven were killed.
After the murder trial, George was caught half a hour before the bomb exploded. At first, the caps didnt think that it was a murder trial. At first George didnt admit it was he, but the cap saw he’s injurd knees’ and the understood that the only way to put the bomb was to crawl down on the knees. The servent at the near bar told that she saw him at the same day. At the end George admitted that he did it, and admitted that he tried to kill Hitler alone.
George sent to a concentration camp called “dachu” (דכאו). He was killed by the Nazis’ by a shot ,month before the camp was released.
there is theory that tells, that George was part of the SS , and the goal of this murder trial was to show that no one can kill Hitler , and to show that Hitler is a ‘god’.
George elser wasn’t known among the German society. only at the early 90′ he became known and recognited as a brave Nazism opposer.
George Elser was Monetized in many ways and places as:
על קיר בית ספר נחנך ב-2009 מיצב שבו מואר הטקסט “השמיני בנובמבר” למשך דקה אחת בכל יום בשעה 21:20 – הרגע בו התפוצצה הפצצה שהטמין אלזר במרתף הבירה. On the wall at a school was initiated a statue that light the “November 8th” ceremony that
In the 90′- the city he studied at, a school and a research were called After his name.
Many organizations that opposite to the nazism were established after his name.
100 years after his birth- A new German stamp after his name was .
There are at least 60 streets and places named after Elser in Germany and several monuments.
Hitler, and many other as Heinrich Heimlich would have been killed. The regime wouldn’t have fallen apart before one aggressive attack against the Jewish, other SS attacks which would have caused the murder of millions of Jews.
Questions about the video and the book:
- why did George decided that killing Hitler was the best solution?
- why did George pick the restaurant as the perfect place to kill Hitler?
- When was the murder attempted?
- How did George plan the murder?
- How long did it take George to plan the murder?
- What was the main idea behind killing Hitler?
Imagine George was able to kill Hitler-how do you think it would have affected history?
Published: Jan 7, 2018
Latest Revision: Jan 7, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-404547
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