Elon The Judge
- Joined Mar 2017
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2017
After Ibzan, a man named Elon was appointed and he judged the Israelites.
Elon was from the tribe of Zebulun.

Israelites did what the Lord said was wrong. They began worshiping the false gods Baal and the Ashtoreth. They also worshiped the gods of the people of Aram, the gods of the people of Sidon, the gods of the Moabites, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines. The Israelites broke their promise with g-d and left the Lord and stopped serving him. The Israelites sin was horrible because they lost all their faith in g-d and got assimilated with whoever was around them. The problem with thi is that they lost belief in the lord who will later make them pay for the sins they committed.

The enemy of the Israelites were the Amonites. They were constantly getting into wars as the Amonites wanted to wipe the Israelites off the face of the earth. They despised the Israelites and did literally whatever they could to get rid of them. It was a contestant war that was always happening. The Ammonites posed a hard time for the jews. Nahash was the king of the Ammonites. Nahash attempted to kill saul and failed. There were more than 3 attempts done to kill Saul but none worked and Saul lived.

Elon was always there to stabilize the people spiritually by always making sure that the people always kept their belief in g-d no matter what the circumstance was. He constantly reminded them of how g-d had helped them through the time of troubles and even in the toughest of times always keep your belief in g-d. He also made sure to help Israelites socially by always maintaining them. Making sure that they kept their social structures, institutions, relations, customs, values and practices.He also made sure that they were politically well/correct, by this it meant that he always made sure that the Israelites would know who their leader is and not go and follow other leaders always stay faithful in g-d and understand the Elon is a judge he can help.

When the Israelites were in a time of need like in the war with the Ammonites, they prayed to g-d to help them in the war because they were struggling. G-d answered their prayers and they had defeated the Ammonites in the war. No angels appeared in the story, only the miracle with g-d helping the Israelites with their war.

In the story attraction manifests itself in the story closer to the end of Elon’s life. At first the Israelites would not listen to any leader they did idol worshipping and intermarriage. Elon needed to get the people to stop this so he needed to attract people somehow. He made them see that g-d is there for them and there is no need to sin. He made it clear that g-d helped them in the times of need, and he will be there in the future for any problems they will be having. This attracted israelites to join him and stop sinning and never forget the lord. Power also manifest in the story, when Elon takes charge. He goes to the people and makes sure that that stop all the sinning they are doing. He took initiative and made sure the people never forgot of the times where the lord helped them. He took a stand showed people he had power and they followed after him.

When Elon came into power he saw that the people completely lost all their hope in g-d and were assimilating with the other people. This was a big factor in the story because Elon’s journey through the story was him gathering up people and reminding them to not forget about the lord. His role as a leader made sure that the Israelites would not let him down by sinning when g-d has helped them with so much. At this time people were in a lost state s the only things they could do was to assimilate and intermarry. The work of Elon stopped this confusion and made the people realize what they were doing
In this story there was no theme of women at all. The men and the women were equal. Both assimilated and intermarried and both followed Elon after they were put in the right mindset

Samson’s incredible physical strength allowed him to fight Israel’s enemies throughout his life. Before he died, he realized his mistakes, returned to God, and sacrificed himself in a great victory. Samson style was to help the Israelites in their wars so they see g-d is helping them by making sure when Samson fights they win those wars. Elon is different in the sense that persuades the people by talking to them about all the tines g-d helped them in their most desperate time of needs. In both ways there style of leadership maintains the Israelites as a whole.

Samson stands as one of the saddest figures in the Bible, a person who started with great potential but squandered it on self-indulgence and sinful living. Elon had always been faithful to g-d and his ruling towards the people was always the same. He started off with great belief in g-d and he ended with a great belief in g-d.

Samson was dedicated as a Nazirite, a holy man who was to honor God with his life and provide an example to others. Samson used his physical strength to fight Israel’s enemies. He led Israel for 20 years. He is honored in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith. Elon was also the same but not in the same sense. He was a very fair judge and wanted the people to never forget in g-d. He led the Israelites well by making sure everyone of them was with the lord g-d and not sinning. Samson used his physical strength to help the Israelites while Elon used his spiritual strength to help the people.

Published: Jun 4, 2017
Latest Revision: Jun 4, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-332142
Copyright © 2017