by ecofriendlyteens
Artwork: Siria IT
Member Since
Nov 2021
- Joined Nov 2021
- Published Books 1
Published Books
Copyright © 2021
This book is written by the team of Eco-Friendly Teens to raise awareness to the damage that is caused by the consumption of plastic.
We are inspired by the video below.
Very, very far away there was a country called PLASTICONALAND.
The little bottle Zacharina lived there with her siblings. They were very happy.
They had just one problem. When they became old enough, they went to a place nobody knew.

It was time for Zacharina’s father to go on this journey. Everyone in her family was worried.
Her father went the next day and didn’t come back again.
Zacharina wanted to find her dad. So, she called her friends.

She said: “We need to find our dads” search this trip.
Kevin: “You are right.”
Hillary: “We need to make a research but where should we start?”
Zacharina: “We should start where we were produced. Let’s go to the factory and learn our origin.”

The bottles jumped into a lorry. They arrived at the factory. The factory was huge.
There was a disgusting smell because there was petrol. Everything was dark, grey and metallic.

The bottles explored the factory. There was a black unicorn transporting the petrol.
It was so hilarious that Hillary laughed out loud and was caught by a human being.
Kevin attacked the human being to free Hillary but his friend was thrown away into a stream.

Zacharina was scared to death because she was left alone.
For this reason she tried to escape but a strong storm prevented her.
So she took refuge inside the factory and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she found herself in a different place, but still inside the factory.
She tried to figure out where she was.
She began to explore the factory and discovered new things about her origin.

Finally, she arrived in front of the factory door and saw a truck with a green triangle.
Zacharina thought that the truck would take her to her father.
So she secretly climbed into the truck and found herself with many other bottles.

While the truck was driving she was looking for her father. Suddenly she heard his voice
Zacharina’s father: “I am really missing my family but I think We are gonna to die soon.”
Zacharina: “Daddy I finally found you!”
Zacharina’s Father: ” Zacharina what are you doing here?”

Zacharina: As you didn’t come back home, I was very worried.
Zacharina’s dad: You shouldn’t have come here! Now we are in danger…
Zacharina: Dad…why should we be in danger if this is the place where we come from!?
Zacharina’s dad: Dear Zacharina, you wouldn’t understand…
Zaccharina says: I can understand. Tell me.

Zacharina’s dad: We are going to a factory and we will recyle.
Zacharina: So it’s not bad. We will go on living.
Zacharina’s dad: We are the lucky bottles. There are lots of bottles which are just staying in the world and destroying the nature.
Zacharina: What? That’s sad. So, hold my hand.
They entered the factory together.

In the factory there were a lot of bottles. They were worried.
She said: Don’t worry. We will serve the humanity.
Suddenly, the unicorn appeared again.
The unicorn gave them some popcorn. There were little pieces of petrol. They ate them and they became ill. They transformed into new, clean bottles with angel pictures on them.

This photo went up to the sky. It represents the recycling cycle of plastic bottles which is essential to reduce waste on our planet.
When people all over the world looked up to the sky, they saw the picture and thought recycling is the most important thing for the future.

Published: Nov 16, 2021
Latest Revision: Nov 24, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1228618
Copyright © 2021
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