DoCheck: To-do List App

by DoCheck To-do List App

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DoCheck: To-do List App

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 1

DoCheck is a self-development and productivity platform for the youth in the form of a to-do list app. As the first Indonesian to-do list, we provide the tools to organize life activities.
DoCheck was founded in 2021 and started from our research on how the pandemics made the young generation less productive. We found that 65 percent of young people have learned less (reportedly) since the transformation of classroom learning to online learning. Our purpose is not only to accelerate productivity by utilizing technology but also to make life easier for people around the world.
More than a to-do list, DoCheck has a variety of self-development programs such as hard skills, soft skills, and mental health.

manajemen waktu, manajemen proyek, project management, journaling, self-improvement, scheduling adalah, produktivitas kerja, template kerja, agenda harian, aplikasi jurnal






Address : Jl. Abadi Raya Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir No.12, Gegerkalong, Kec. Sukasari, Kota, Bandung, 40153, Indonesia



Phone :  +62 22 2008509


Business Email :  [email protected]


Website :



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