by Chelsea Cockrum
Copyright © 2018
Depth and Complexity
- Joined Jul 2018
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2018
What terms or words are specific to the
work of the _________________?
What tools does the __________ use?
*Specialized vocabulary
*Tools used by the
*Names of skills or tasks
particular to people
working within the
Vocabulary related to content or discipline being learned.
What are its attributes?
What features characterize this?
What specific elements define this?
What distinguishes this from other things?
Used to understand problems: discern patterns in algebra and reveal order of operations; How to factor.
Compare/order decimals, geometry and measurements.
What are the recurring events?
What elements events, ideas are
repeated over time?
What was the order of events
How can we predict what will come
*Recurring events
*Repeated features
Recurring elements/factors; repetitive/ordered.
Prevalent throughout mathematics.
Allows for prediction.
Factoring algebra/fractions, decimals, percent.
Statistics and data analysis.
How is this structured?
What are the stated and unstated causes
related to the description or
explanation of what we are studying?
Organization elements that create structure, order or sequence.
Prevalent throughout mathematics.
Number lines
Place value
order of operations
geometry and measurement
steps for solving problems
What dilemmas or controversies are
involved in this area/ topic/ study/
What elements can be identified that
reflect bias, prejudice, discrimination?
*Different opinions
*Judging, bias
*Controversial issues
Conflicts surrounding different points of view.
May include bias, values or judgments.
graphs/data collection and representation
What ongoing factors have influenced
this study?
What factors have contributed to this
*Course of action
General direction of change.
Statistics and data analysis.
Graphing equations.
What is still not understood about this
area/ topic/ study/ discipline?
What is yet unknown about this area/
topic/ study/ discipline?
In what ways is the information
incomplete or lacking in explanation?
*Dilemmas, ambiguities
*Unclear ideas
*Yet unknown
*Not understood
*Lacking in explanation
*Incomplete ideas
Information or ideas that are unclear, unresolved, or not fully developed.
May include the unknown, unexplored or unproven.
What overarching statement best
describes what is being studied?
What general statement includes what
is being studied?
*Overarching ideas
*Broad idea that can be
*supported with
*Universal concept to
*connect all learning
General statement or generalization about principle, theory, concept or idea.
Rules are revealed through patterns.
Relationships serve a purpose.
Order has a purpose.
How are the ideas related between the
past, present, future?
How are these ideas related within or
during a particular time period?
How has time affected the
How and why do things change or
remain the same?
*Looking at past, present
and future
*Relationships within a
time period
*Applying from the past
to the present
May include comparing past, present, and future, predicting, or connecting points in time.
Statistics and data analysis.
What are the opposing viewpoints?
How do different people and characters
see this event or situation?
*Different points of view
*Ways of seeing and
*reporting things
*Opposing viewpoints
Different points of view/opposing viewpoints.
Varied approaches to problem-solving/decision-making.
Statistics and data analysis, graphs, data collection and representation.
How does this study connect across
How is the relationship between this
study and other disciplines evident?
*Connections among
*Touching on many
subjects at once
*Relationships within
the disciplines
*Relationships between
the disciplines
Connections within, between and across subject areas.
May include connections, linked ideas, or integrations.
Published: Jul 17, 2018
Latest Revision: Jul 17, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-510034
Copyright © 2018