Depth and Complexity by Carla Cheshire - Illustrated by Sandra Kaplan -
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Depth and Complexity


Artwork: Sandra Kaplan

  • Joined Feb 2018
  • Published Books 1

Language of the Discipline


Language of the Discipline is the language, vocabulary, terminology, and tools that specifically relate to the topic, content, and/or discipline.


  • What terms or words are specific to the work of the  ____________  ?
  • What tools does the _____________________  use?  (What tools does an Egyptologist use to excavate an artifact?)
  • Describe the causes and effects of plastic pollution on the ocean using terms an environmental researcher woul
  • Describe how you would retell the fable as a puppeteer would with puppets.

Thinking Skills:

  • Categoize
  • Identify


  • Texts
  • Biographies

Examples in:

ELA:  Story Elements, Primary source language, Shakespearean vocabulary, character’s persona, descriptive words, stylistic devices, literary terms

Math:  terminology, think aloud problem solving, mathematician, statistician, analyst, theorist

Science:  biologist, oceanographer, physicist, chemist, environmentalist, botanist, geneticist

Social Studies:  historian, commander, prisoner of war, sociologist, criminologist, economist, politician



Depth and Complexity by Carla Cheshire - Illustrated by Sandra Kaplan -


Details are elements, facts, traits, specifics, and features specifically related to the topic, content, and /or discipline.


  • What are the part-to-whole relationships?
  • What evidence do you have to support your theory?
  • Elaborate on your learning.
  • Compare and contrast ________________ .
  • What distinguishes omniscient from limited point of view?
  • What are the attributes of a hero?
  • Compare and contrast the three states of matter.
  • Explain the defining characteristics of Shakespeare’s writing.
  • What are the attributes?
  • What features characterize this?
  • What specific elements define this?
  • What distinguishes this from other things?

Thinking Skills:

  • Identify traits
  • Describe
  • Differentiate
  • Compare/contrast
  • Prove with evidence
  • Observe


  • PIctures
  • Diaries or jounals
  • Poetry

Examples in:

ELA:  Character analysis, supporting details, prove with evidence, defend with examples, author’s style, compare/contrast, informative writing, sensory details, elaboration

Math:  data, prove with evidence, key words and numbers, steps in a process, attributes, functions, properties, chart or graph

Science data, prove with evidence, support with examples, attributes, identify traits, classifications, observe, properties

Social Studies:  timelines, facts, motives, causes/effects, historical figures, journals/diaries, primary accounts, compare/contrast


Depth and Complexity by Carla Cheshire - Illustrated by Sandra Kaplan -
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