Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -
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Common book


Artwork: ScreentoScreen Project Team

  • Joined May 2021
  • Published Books 1

Name : Burcu Gülerşen

Oklubalı Sabri Kahvecioğlu Primary School

Keyword:In the Classroom


There is a boy.His name is Alex. He is eight years old.He has curly brown hair and brown eyes.He is very hardworking. Everyday he goes to school on foot, today he feels energetic and happy in the classroom.It is a hot afternoon and Alex wants to go out and play with his friends.He walks in the classroom cool and slow.Alex asks his friend ‘Do you play with me?’


Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name : Esma Kılıçlar Şahin

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary School




His friend answers ‘Yes, Let’s go to the playground after school’. Alex is very happy as he likes playing at the playground very much. Alex and his friend attend their classes. They have Visual Art class now. The teacher wants them to draw a picture. Alex draws a playground picture. He draws himself while he is swinging. Alex dreams of playing at the playground all day.


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Name     :Bahar ÇİÇEK KÜÇÜK

Kızılırmak Primary School

Keyword : At the playground


In the picture Alex and his friends are very happy in the playground.The weather is sunny and they are playing.Alex is swinging,his friend Alice is sliding,Mary and Sue are on the seesaw.They are having good time and playing games together.He likes going to the playground with his friends.

Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name : Hatice AYDIN

Şehit Eyüp Emre Kan Primary School

Keyword : Game



Alex and his friends like playing different game.Alex wants to play marble.Because they can play this game at the playground.Alex shares his marbles with his friends.They feel happy.They start to play game.It is very exciting.

Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name : İbrahim Cengiz

75. Yıl Mesut Yılmaz Primary School

Keyword : Pet


Then, the bell rang.Students go to the classroom.The lesson is English.They are learning pets.The teacher asked students “Who have got pet?”


Alex:”I have got a cat.Its name is Tekir. It’s white.”


Alice:”I have got a bird.Its name is Maviş. It’s blue.”


After all of answers, the teacher asked  the students to prepare a pet project as homework.

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Name : Selda Tilev

Hasan Ozvarnalı Primary School

Keyword: family

Alex is very impatient to do project work with his family. As soon as all lessons finish, he goes home fast. He tells his mom:

– Mommy, I have a pet project homework. Can you help me, please ?

– Sure. Let’s start !

Alex and his mom find some pet photos from old magazines. Alex cut and stick them on a paper. At that time, his father comes and asks:

-What are you doing ?

-We are doing my project homework.

– Ohh ! What is it ?

– It is a rabbit.

Alex finishes his homework; and now he feels hungry. It is dinner time with famiy. He wonders what his mom cooked for dinner !

Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name : Alyona Kelleci

Kepez Primary School

Keyword: cupcake


Alex feels so hungry. He goes to the kitchen.

“What do we have for dinner?” he asks to his mom.

“There is a soup, some pasta and a broccoli salad” says his mom.

“But I don’t like broccoli!” says Alex.

“You are a good boy, you just eat some broccoli and then I show you a surprise” says his mom.

Alex finishes the brocolli salad and sees the surprise. It is a big chocolate cupcake.

“Wooow!” he says, “I love chocolate cupcakes!”

He eats the cake very fast. There is chocolate everywhere on his face and hands. His mother looks at him and  smiles.


Name: Ezgi Seyhan

Mehmet Yaren Gümeli Primary School

Keyword: fruit


Then ,he goes to bathroom and clean the chocolate on his face. When he enters the kitchen again , there is another surprise for him. ‘Now,it is time for a fruit game. Do you want to play?’ his mom says. ‘Hurraaay’he says. Alex closes his eyes. Her mom asks some questions about a fruit, then he tastes it and guess which fruit it is.

Mom says:

-It is red and green. It has some dots on it. Which fruit is it?

Alex think and taste :

-Yeees, I know it is a strawberry. It is a very exciting and tasteful game. Mmmmm. Yummy. Again ,again !

And they go on with apple, watermelon and melon. Yummy,yummy…


Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name: Zahide Zarife ÇELTİK

Alsancak Melih Özakat Primary School

Keyword: hand


After the tasting  game, he play touching game with his mother.  Alex closes his eyes. His mother asks some questions about a school object, then he touches it by his hand and guess which school object it is. Alex is very excited he says ”I can say all of them”.

His mother give him something then Alex touches it by his hands and say ”It is a pencil” . His mother says to him” Good job”.

Alex touches the school objects by his hand one by one and says all of them. He is very happy.

Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name : Anna Filomena Mungiello

“G.Deledda”dpt of “J.Stella” Muro Lucano- Italy

Keyword :Guess


Alex asks his mum to play “riddle” game because it is really fun. His mum agrees. She thinks a bit then she says : “What has hands but can’t clap?

Alex starts thinking and after some minutes he is ready and answers: “A clock”.

His mum says : “Well done”.


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Maria Parisi





Later it is time to sleep for children. So Alex went to bed. In his dream;

Alex and his parents go to London Zoo because is Alex’s birthday.
They go by car: Alex looks animals and has a lots of fun.
There is a monkey in the tree.
“Look, there are the elephants and the giraffes!They are walking in the park!” says his mother.
“Alex, there is a sea lion! It’s fantastic!” says his father; Alex is happy and says:-I love my trip at the zoo.
“Oh mom, my break and my lunchare delicious!”. But the monkey eats his bananas:- I like bananas!
Alex has a really big special day: happy birthday!


Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -

Name: Burcu ERDAMAR

Mithat Yılmaz Primary School

Keyword: dream


He wakes up suddenly with the alarm of clock. He gets up and wears his clothes. Alex has breakfast with his family. after breakfast his father says Alex:

– I have a big surprise for you,Alex. Would you like to go to zoo?

Alex is surprised because of his dream. he says: ‘Hurraaay’.

Alex his mother and father goes to zoo. everything was the same as his dream. he sees lions,elephants,giraffes and monkeys.

suddenly; he hears a sound. it was the sound of his friends. he was shocked. there is a birthday cake in aunts hands. Yes it was his birthday. He is very happy with his big family. He w

ishes to live a life like her dreams while blowing out the candles.

Common book by screentoscreen - Illustrated by ScreentoScreen Project Team -
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