Ceremonies The Giver by sophia etchevarne - Ourboox.com
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Ceremonies The Giver

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 3

Ceremony for the ones

The ones’s ceremony is very fun. Each baby that is turning one gets a name. Each kid  also gets a new family that they will go home with!

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The Two’s Ceremony

When children turn two, they get a spanking stick, so when they are naughty, they get spanked with that stick. If the kid behaves well, it will not be spanked.

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The Threes Ceremony

In the threes ceremony, kids start to tell their dreams to their families and start to be able to talk

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The Fours Ceremony

The fours recive a jacket with button on the back. This teaches kids how to work together with other kids to button up or button down their jacket.

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The Fives Ceremony

The fives recive a ball so they will want to do more sports. Doing more sports can make kids be healthier.

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The Sixes Ceremony

The sixes get a coloring book and some coloring pencils so they will get more creative and share their ideas.

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The Sevens Ceremony

When kids turn seven, they get a jacket which instead of having buttons on the back of it, it has buttons on the front so the kid wearing it can larn to do things on their own and be more independent.

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The Eights Ceremony

The eights get smaller pockets in their jakcet. They get smaller pockets so they learn to me more responsible for smaller objects.

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The Nines Ceremony

When you turn nine, the community gives you a bycicle. They give you a bycicle so you can begin to take part in the community more. This will also make you be more mobile around the city. You will also begin to voulenteer more.

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The Tens Ceremony

Boys and girls change their haircut. Girls wont have their braids anymore, their hair will be completely loose.



The Elevens Ceremony

The elevens get new undergarment. They get this because their bodies are changing.


The Twelves Ceremony

The twelves recive a new

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