Book Report: Twilght-Breaking dawn by or yadid -
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Book Report: Twilght-Breaking dawn

  • Joined Apr 2016
  • Published Books 1

the name of the book: The twilght saga-Breaking dawn 

the name of the author: Stephenie Meyer

the teacher’s name: Irit Merchav

my name: Or Yadid 


A summary of the book:

It is a story about of a human girl (Bella)that fell in love with a vampire (Edward). The story is about a world with vampires and werewolves

The story is divided in to three parts.

In the first part (in Bella’s eye view) Edward and Bella are getting married. After some weeks Bella finds that she is pregnant, and the fetus is growing very fast. Edward is worried for Bella’s life and he and Carlisle think that the baby will kill Bella but she thinks that Edward could  change her to vampire in the last minute.


In the second part(in Jacob’s eye view) Sam planned to kill Bella because of her “dangerous” fetus. Jacob refusied to take part in that and leaves Sam’s werewolves pack, Seth and Leah join to Jacob’s new pack that help the Cullens protect Bella. In the end of that part, the baby Renesmee was born and Jacob thinks that Bella is dead. He wants to kill Renesmee but when he saw her he ‘Imprints’ on her (wants to protect her)and he can’t hurt her. Also the other werewolves can’t heart her, and she and the other cullens stay save.


In the third part (in Bella’s eye view) Bella changed in to vampire and she was happy in her life , until Irina saw Renesmee and thought that she was a vampire baby(the Volturi forbad to create vampire babies) Irina went to the Volturi(vampire council woh maintain rules) to report about the breaking of the law. The Volturi decided to kill all the Cullens except Bella Edward and Alice because they had a special power. Alice and Jasper bring witnesses to confinm that Renesmee is not a vampire baby.

When the Volturi came there were already 26 vampire witnesses and 17 werewolves that were ready to fight the Volturi, but Alice and Jasper were not there yet. The Volturi didn’t stop even after they understood what Renesmee really was. They said that Renesmee could be dangerous.

The conflict ended when Alice and Jasper came back with someone 150 years old and he was like Renesmee- half vampire half human, leaving the Volturi with no other reason to attack them.

Everything returns to be good in the Bella’s life.



The characters:

-Bella Cullen: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 werewolves‬‏ The main character, Human in the first part ,and in the second part she change to a vampire after her daughter Renesmee was born. Married to Edward. She can  block some of the other vampires power, for example Edward’s power. Drinks only animal blood.

-Edward Cullen: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 werewolves‬‏ Married to Bella. He is a vampire. He can read all peoples minds, except Bella’s. Drinks only animal blood.

-Jacob Black:   He is a werewolf. ‘Imprinsts’ on Renesmee. The leader of part of the werewolves. Before Renesmee was born he was in love with Bella even after she got married to Edward.

Renesmee Cullen: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 renesmee‬‏ Bella’s and Edward’s daughter. Half vampire Half Human She has a special power to show people her thoughts and her memories.

-Carlisle Cullen:  Adopting father of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. Married to Esme. He is a doctor of humans. Drinks only animal blood.

Esme Cullen:  A vampire, Adopting mother of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. Married to Carlisle. Drinks only animal blood.

Rosalie Hale:  Married to Emmett. She is mean and snob, especially to Jacob. When Bella was dying she was worried only for the baby (Renesmee) and not for Bella. Drinks only animal blood.

-Emmett Cullen:  Married to Rosalie, the strongest vampire. He is full of confidence. Drinks only animal blood.

Alice Cullen: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 werewolves‬‏ Married to Jasper. She is Bella’s best friend. She can see the future. Drinks only animal blood.

-Jasper Hale:  Married to Alice, he can feel people feelings and control them. Drinks only animal blood.

-Sam Uley: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 werewolves‬‏ The leader of the other part of the werewolves, wanted to kill renesmee because he thought that she could be dangerous. Engaged to Emily.

– Leah Clearwater:  she is a werewolf.  She understood Jacob’s pain after bella got marrid to Edward because she was love with Sam. Seth’s big sister.

-Seth Clearwater:  He is a werewolf, Leah’s young brother. Jacob’s right-hand man and Edward’s friend.

-Aro: תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪twilight breaking dawn part 2 werewolves‬‏ the leader of the Volturi. He wants Alice, Edward and Bella to join the Volturi and he looks for a way to make it happen. Even if it means to kill their family. He can read minds.








The most interesting part of the book is after Renesmee was born and Bella was dying. This part of the book tells about Edward and Jacob that were trying to save Bella’s life after the birth of Renesmee. and her change to a vampire.

“…Bella screamed.

It was not just a scream, it was a blood-curdling shriek of agony. The horrifying sound cut off with a gurgle, and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her body twitched, arched in Rosalie’s arms, and then Bella vomited a fountain of blood.”


The ending: I love the end of the book because the story is like a fairy legend and like all fairy legends the end is an happy end. Everything is happy and perfect. “and than we continue blissfully into that small bat perfect piece of our forever”. This sentence is the happy end of the book.  Everything is solved and everyone lives together happily ever after.

A letter to the author.

Jerusalem, 3rd May, 2016


Dear Mrs. Stephenie Meyer,


The book “Breaking dawn” from the Twilight saga is the most interesting book I read.

All the characters in this book are special and deep..

When I read the book I felt like I was in the story and watched the characters. I connected to the characters of Bella, Edward, Alice and Jacob.

I liked the way you wrote the book: the part from Bella’s eye view, the  part from Jacob’s eye view and the last part from Bella’s eye view. In that way I could understand the story and the characters better, especially Jacob’s personality.

When I read the book there were parts that were so interesting that I couldn’t stop reading them,  for example the part when Bella was angry on Jacob after she understood that he had “Imprint”  her daughter (Renesmee).

I really loved the end of the book. I think the end is   grate and it closes  all the  books in the best way.

How did you like reading the book?

I rally have fun whan I red the book I love that book and attach to the characters especially to Bella and Edward. I think it is great book and I happy that I red it. The book improve my English.

 How did you like working on the digital book?

It was a little hard to work on the digital book bacause there were some problems with it. 

song and video


This is the theme song of the movie (also the video). It is connected to the book because it talks about a strong love  that continuous for a long time, like Edward and Bella’s love. I think the song even tells their story. It talks about how hard it is for Edward and Bella to love each other although she is a human being  and he is a vampire. But they still are in love. In the end they are both vampires and their love can live forever.

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