it is based on the rule of the nation as a form of state to foresee the republican regime and accept it as a way of life. Democracy comes to the top of the veins that give life to the Republic. The relationship between system and democracy is very important in real republic regimes. Because it will protect itself against the internal and external dangers of the republic within the requirements of democracy. except this; the break between democracy and the republic begins. In this case, the biggest damage will be seen by the republic itself.
In the political regimes that adopt democracy, the use of freedoms fits the rules of democracy. In the Republican regime no one has unlimited rights and law. because in democracies; the freedoms of persons and societies are guaranteed by law. Their limits are also drawn by the justice clause.
How did Atatürk progressively prepare the infrastructure of the republic that was announced on 29 October 1923? the republic was founded on a secular system. In other words, neither the caliphate nor the ruins had a place in the administration of the republic. the republic would provide a fair legal system. the young generations of the republic were trained not by the old people, but by the teachers who knew the value of independence and freedom. the whole irrational left of the empire will be removed and the foundation of the republic will be science.
Emphasizing that an uninformed and unconscious population could not have the right to be a nation, Ataturk knew that he would take the rights and law of the nation as much as possible. therefore, education and culture are very important. For this reason, he sees culture as one of the foundations of the republic.

The equality of people before the law is the fact that language, religion, denomination, race, gender, and political opinion are independent of one and that the people exist for people, not for the state. In short, the people of the people, the administration of the people.
The principle of populism, which is included in the 1924 and 1961 Constitution which is an important place in the history of revolution, constitutes the basis of democracy. The main feature of this principle is that the administration of the country is in the hands of the people. sovereignty is not in the hands of a clan or family;
1- democracy in the country,
2- The absence of privilege for individuals and classes

It is the private sector and public administration and private sector cooperation to realize the economic and social development of Turkish society.
the principle of statecraft in our constitution; Explains the social, economic and cultural development of the state. In general terms, it is the principle of realization of economic development and organization that is outside the power and power of private enterprise. In general, the state has two tasks;
a) To protect citizens’ freedom and security by providing security and justice in the country.
b) to be ready to defend at any time and to defend the country with a gun if there is no other remedy here.
Apart from these, the state also takes part in economic activities related to public affairs, education, culture, health, agriculture, trade and industry.

He who loves the society in which he lives, is proud of him, and who makes all kinds of sacrifices to rise and advance.
the principle of nationalism was the starting point of our national war and shed light on the liberation movements of all captive nations. This principle is a natural result of the belief in the fate of every nation in the historical development of the idea of freedom, which spread to the world after the French revolution. thanks to the Turkish people have been saved from the nation and the nation. Atatürk’s belief in the nation was eternal. common values come first among the nation-building elements. The word ‘nationalism’ includes these values. he knew that the revolution and its principles would live against the nation, not against the nation. Therefore, he believed that innovations would last forever and only with the acceptance of the nation.

the rules of society and society.
The Inseation of the Ego is the indispensable element of the turksh revolution. It is also necessary to be democratic. According to the religion, the religion is a holy concept.
Published: Apr 18, 2019
Latest Revision: Apr 18, 2019
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