The story of the Amish people

by yarin levy
- Joined Feb 2022
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2022
The Amish are a group of people who
follow a traditional Christan Church,
they live in America in Lancaster
country Pennsylvania, only 15%
out of 300 thousand people live there, they migrated to pennsylvania in the early 18th century.
They originally came from Swiss Germany.
The amish are known for simple living, plain dressing and avoidance of modern technologies, they dont drive automobiles. if they have a business that requires a truck or riding lawn mowers they can certainly lease a truck, but theyd have to have a non Amish to drive the truck.
The Amish get around by horses.
Their language today is a dialect of german called Pennslyvania Dutch, plus about 300 years of words that got made up. In a typical family the average amount of kids is 8 kids.
The a believe in Jesus
The Amish are permitted by law, because of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court decision, to take their children out of school after the eighth grade.
In its ruling, the Supreme Court decided that sending Amish children to high school would interfere wuth their ability to practice their religion.
Traditionally, farming of all kinds has been at the center of Amish work life. However, in the past century, according to the Young Center, increasing numbers have become involved in business enterprises, most notably in carpentry and sales of farm products.
Ohio Amish homes are easily picked out as one drives through a community. The houses are usually large but simple in design. Most feature white siding of some type. Porches and decks are common. There’s a detached barn close to the house. The wash is flying in the wind on a wash day and smoke curling from the chimney on a cold day.
The Amish women wear modest, solid-colored dresses, usually with long sleeves and a full skirt, a cape and apron. The clothing is fastened with straight pins or snaps. Hair is never cut and is worn in a bun on the back of the head, concealed by a prayer covering.
Amish men wear straight-cut suits and coat without collars, lapels or pockets. They resemble the Nehru jackets of the 70’s and are called mutza suits. During the summer they’ll shed the coat and wear a vest to church.
The amish choose this way of life because they think that the technology ruins them, their family life and their friend life, they also think that technology ruins their conection with their religion
Published: Feb 9, 2022
Latest Revision: Feb 9, 2022
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