The King Abimelech
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The King Abimelech

A grade 11 Tanach student.
  • Joined Mar 2017
  • Published Books 2

How Was The Judge Appointed?


He appointed himself. He went to his mother’s brothers in Shechem, and there he explained that it would be better if he alone would rule over them instead of the sons of Gideon. The brothers agreed, and gave him 70 pieces of silver. Abimelech then went to his father’s house in Orpah, and decided to kill his 69 brothers. The youngest brother escaped, but Abimelech was still appointed King. He was appointed King by the townspeople using the plain of stones ceremony. Rashi: Plain of stones was a reference to a plain containing documents.


Ruled between 1144 – 1141 BCE

The King Abimelech by Dennis Yankovsky -

What Tribe Does The Judge Come From?


He was born in Shechem, he was the son of Gideon, and his mother was Gideon’s concubine. It is likely that his mother was a Canaanite, and Gideon comes from the tribe of Manasseh, who was the son of Joseph.


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What Sin Did The Israelites Commit?


Chapter 33: “And it was, when Gideon died, that the children of Israel turned again astray after the Baalim; and they made for themselves Baal-Berith for a god.” The Israelites lost their faith in G-d, and instead turned to Baal.

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Who Was The Enemy?


Abimelech – He ruled for 3 years with force and arrogance

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What Was The Enemy Like?


1) Abimelech has a lot of ambition to be king, which is shown when he kills his brothers.


2) Abimelech has a big ego, proven when he is the only one out of the 4 trees who wants to be a King, rather than a Judge, or share power with his brothers.


3) Abimelech was ruthless, he killed 69 of his brothers in order to gain his position.


4) Abimelech shows no mercy, he captured a city and then kills everyone in it.


5) Abimelech was ruthless, he and his army took trees and then set them on fire, which killed 1000 people in the tower of Shechem.


6) Abimelech shows no mercy, he and his army surrounded Thebez, all the civilians go to the tower, Abimelech wants to kill all of the civilians, and then burn the tower down.


7) Abimelech is a coward, he chases Gaal, but Gaal escapes, and while Abimelech remains in Arumah, his army chases Gaal, meaning that he doesn’t want to do the running himself.


8) Interesting play on words: Abimelech means my father is king, and Gaal means son of a servant.

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Mysticism In The Story

Fable of the Trees:


The “Trees” or citizens of Shechem go to 4 different trees and ask to be ruled over.


  • They go to the Olive tree, thought to be Othniel, the son of Kenaz (Rashi), and the olive tree says it doesn’t want to leave its fatness


  • They go to the Fig tree, thought to be Deborah, and the fig tree says that it doesn’t want to leave its sweetness


  • They go to the Vine, thought to be Gideon, but the vine says it doesn’t want to leave its wine which causes God and men to rejoice


  • They go to the thorn, which is thought to be Abimelech, and the Thorn says that the trees can either take refuge in its shade, or be consumed by fire



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Attraction And Power


Abimelech rules with power over the people, you’re either with him and alive, or against him and dead.



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Role Of Women


When Abimelech is about to die because a woman from Thebez throws a rock at him, and he wants one of his soldiers to kill him because it would be shameful to die by the hand of a woman.



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Samson Vs. Abimelech


1) Leadership Style

Unlike Samson, who is humble and works alone, Abimelech rules with arrogance and power, and his strength comes from his army, rather than his strength coming from himself.


2) Personality


Samson is very humble, demonstrated when he doesn’t talk about how he killed the lion. Abimelech is a man that wants power, and he is ruthless. On multiple occasions, Abimelech kills civilians, where there is no reason given. As well, he wants power so badly that he was willing to kill 69 of his brothers.


3) Achievements

Samson began the battle with the Philistines

Samson killed over 1000 Philistines

Abimelech was a King for over 3 years

Abimelech killed thousands of Shechemites

The King Abimelech by Dennis Yankovsky -

Gaal – The Main Opposition


Gaal was the main opposition to Abimelech, who comes to Shechem and sees that the people are worshipping a ruthless King, and he curses him with his brothers. Gaal dies in a battle against Abimelech when he surrounds Shechem, in the battle for the city.

The King Abimelech by Dennis Yankovsky -
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