Abuse of hunting on animals by Annamaria Trevisan - Illustrated by Trevisan Annamaria - Ourboox.com
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Abuse of hunting on animals


Artwork: Trevisan Annamaria

  • Joined Dec 2020
  • Published Books 1

Abuse of hunting

Abuse of hunting on animals is a big problem because some species risk extinction.

TrapaniOk - Divieto di caccia a Marettimo, l'amministrazione è dalla parte dei cittadini e scrive alla Regione        Caccia in Calabria, Consiglio e Giunta regionali "a servizio" dei cacciatori - La Nuova Ecologia

Another problem is pollution created by the cartridges that are fired and then they don’t collect from the ground.


One solution

A solution for this problem is stop hunting like hobby. this solution is effective because if they stop hunting for fun many species don’t risk the extinction so they can reproduce.


C'è chi pensa che dire no alla caccia di domenica sia sbagliato, un lettore ci scrive - Newsbiella.it


Another solution

Another solution is create some naturals habitat for the species most at risk and that are hunted more. These areas should be controlled.

tonyface: NO ALLA CACCIA !!!

Divieto di caccia in aree del PLIS del Po e del Morbasco, interviene il  Comune - La Provincia


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