Failing Physics by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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Failing Physics

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1560

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I received the exam results. Thirty-eight in physics? How could that be possible? I was sure I had understood the course and done reasonably well on the exam.

I had been a straight A student in high school, but now I was struggling to get through my B.Sc. in chemistry at the Hebrew University. My average hovered around 60, the pass rate.

Second year physics was a tough course (waves, Shrodinger, etc.). But 38?



I made a date to see the professor.

“There is no way that I got thirty-eight in the exam”, I told him.

“I agree”, he said. “You actually got thirty-seven. But anything below 38 counts as zeo, so I pitied you and gave you a 38.”


I was flabbergasted. I was angry. I felt failure, rejection, fear, trepidation, disappointment. Physics was not an exam I could afford to fail.

I had no option but to study. I mean really study.

I spent three weeks going over every aspect of the course. I realized that I had not understood the subject matter at all. My ignorance had instilled a false confidence.


But this time I prepared. I actually understood the equations and their implications.

And on the make up exam, I scored a proud 90.

I am not a great believer in exams. Lots of students cheat. Exams usually test recall, rather than understanding. Nevertheless, they have one redeeming feature. ..

They are great motivators when it comes to learning the material!

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