modal verbs

by maryam

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modal verbs

  • Joined Nov 2020
  • Published Books 7

this video bellow explains the modals and how we can use all the modals verbs within any sentence and what each modal expresses:



  • write on your notebook.
  1. what are the modals mentioned in the video?
  2. write sentences as examples on each modal.
  3. write each modal and its type.
  • you can repeat watching the video over and over again so you could understand. 

after watching the video do the following exercises:

Q1 – They ____ be on holiday, but I’m not sure.
Q2 – You ____ be right, but I’d still like to check.
Q3 – ____ you turn it down a bit please?
Q4 – It’s OK- you ____ go when you’ve finished.
Q5 – Ask any questions now as you ____ not talk during the test.
Q6 – You ____ smoke in the cinema.
Q7 – From the way he speaks, he ____ be from London.
Q8 – It’s impossible- they _____ have finished it already!
Q9 – The weather ____ be better tomorrow.
Q10 – ____ you speak Japanese?
 Modal verbs short answers. Choose the right forms have to, don’t have to, can, can’t, should or shouldn’t to complete the following sentences in English.
A: Can you come for a coffee after the meeting?
B: No, I . I’m sorry – I have to go home.
A: Do I have to pay for the meal now?
B: No, you . You can pay when you leave.
A: Should we phone to say we’re going to be late?
B: Yes, we . Here’s my phone.
A: Can we leave our luggage during the break?
B: Yes, you . But don’t leave any money.

A: Do you think I should write about my education background?
B: Yes, you . You can get a better job.


A: My child is five. Do you have to buy him a ticket?
B: Yes, you . It costs half the price of an adult ticket.

A: Do you have to get up early tomorrow?
B: No, I . I can stay in bed.

A: Can you speak English?
B: Yes, I . I lived in London for 5 years.

A: Should we leave him the message?
B: Yes, we . He won’t be worried about us.

A: Should I study more on English grammar?
B: No, you . You know it very well already.

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