Mel’s Video Interviews with Children’s Book Professionals

by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג
Artwork: Cover by Rotem Omri
- Joined Oct 2013
- Published Books 1560
Copyright © 2020
A wonderful conversation with Harold Underdown about his life and chosen profession – editing children’s books. Harold talks about his favorite children’s books growing up, his original plan of becoming a school teacher which morphed into an unexpected role as assistant editor. He discusses the importance of reader response (including those responses unanticipated by the author). Harold explains why during his career he preferred helping hundreds of authors publish children’s books rather than write his own and how his career as a teacher helped him understand the needs of children to see themselves in their books.
Facebook video – Harold Underdown
YouTube video:
“Nothing is impossible if you can imagine it.” Vivian turned from a shy, timid, young girl into a kindergarten teacher and from there to a self-assured ice-cream loving published author (check out her recent wonderful book on Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe). She was crazy about the Hardy Boys (and Nancy Drew)! Her first hand drawn story: The Balloon Man (we need to publish it on Ourboox, it has mice in it!). In 2005, she wrote a textbook for teachers and parents called “Show Me How”. And then on to a remarkable career as a traditionally published author. “Passion, patience, productivity, practice, perseverance and participation.”
Facebook video – Vivian Kirkfield
Julie Hedlund: You have to just keep producing new work. You are changing as a writer all the time. No writing is ever wasted. When I write I want to make progress, get the manuscript from here to there, and then I lose much of the joy in the process. There is no ‘getting there’. You are always there. Writing will eventually turn into something. The process changes you. Keep going.
Facebook video – Julie Hedlund
Elaine Kiely Kearns on FB:
Elaine Kiely Kearns on YouTube:
Ann Koffsky on Facebook
Ann Koffsky on YouTube
Facebook video – Annette Whipple
YouTube video:
Facebook video – Lydia Lukidis
YouTube Video:
Facebook video – Dr. Rajani LaRocca
Facebook video – Debra Shumaker
Youtube video:
Amy Murrell left an academic career to devote her time to the practice of clinical psychology and picture book writing. In this talk, she notes that she is usually a rule-follower, but that she sometimes breaks rules intentionally if there is a good reason. Amy wrote the Becca Epps Series about Bending Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors with a little rule-breaking – or at least bending in mind. The six-picture book series published by Shawnee Scientific Press uses stories to help youth think and feel more flexibly in order to do the things they care about most. Amy is now working on more traditional (less psychologically-minded) picture book writing as the Becca series is complete!
Facebook video – Amy Murrell
Youtube video:
Facebook Video – Nancy Churnin
Facebook video:
Facebook Video – Chana Stiefel
Facebook video – Ellen Leventhal
Facebook video – Rotem Omri
Facebook video:
Youtube video:
Facebook video:
Facebook video:
Facebook video:
Facebook video with Melissa Stoller
Youtube video with Melissa Stoller
Alayne Kay Christian on Facebook:
Alayne Kay Christian on YouTube
Published: Nov 5, 2020
Latest Revision: Dec 30, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-929328
Copyright © 2020