little green riding hood

by Nick Biniaminy

Artwork: Nick Etle and Itay Barda

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little green riding hood


Artwork: Nick Etle and Itay Barda

  • Joined Oct 2020
  • Published Books 1

one day a young girl called little green riding hood,

went to the city to exchange some produce from home

and then she met a man that seemed very kind at first….

he asked her where she was going she told him

and then he told to her to come with him to a dark alley which he said to be his home she thought about it and said she didnt have time so she told him where he lives and that he should come visit someday and then she went on her way.

when she got home she saw her grandma on the bed sleeping but when she came closer she was baffled, because her grandma seemed much younger and larger she asked her why she grew so much hair and then why her voice is so much deeper why shes so big and then she heard a ruffled sound in the box next to the bed when she came to open it the man snatched her up and ate her and her granny and he was never seen again and until now nobody knows what had happened

the end

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