Augmented Reality

by Leslie Schrader
Artwork: Appnovation
Member Since
Sep 2020
- Joined Sep 2020
- Published Books 2
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Copyright © 2020
So, what is augmented reality?
To augment something is to increase it or make it greater. In augmented reality, the user’s reality is expanded, as Rouse explains, through the “integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time.”

How can it be used in education?
Students can interact with information that is layered into their environment. Just as reality is expanded, so too can students’ understanding be expanded through AR. With humans able to absorb 85% of what they do, the interactive nature of AR–where students must manipulate a device to activate an AR event–creates deeper learning experiences.


This app for iPad allows students to interact with the picture book The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, truly bringing the illustrations and pages to life. This is an app that would be useful for middle school ELA students at the beginning of the year to introduce the concepts of visualization and narrative structure.

Google Translate:
Although Google translate has been around for quite some time, it has traditionally operated with the user typing text and requesting the translation. In 2014, Google purchased Word Lens and their AR technology for translation. By just pointing a device at language, and selecting the translation from/to in the app, users can translate language in their environment in real time. This feature could be extremely helpful for ELL students in the ELA classroom, as well as foreign language students.

3D Bear:
This app allows students to animate stories and create 3D models. For the ELA classroom, this app helps offer choice of representation, engagement, and expression in assessments. Students can show comprehension of reading by creating animated summaries, or analyze setting by creating 3D models within related environments and share their finished work.

This app allows teachers to create interactive quizzes and worksheets, but also allows students to create projects. Students begin with a blank storyboard, so they can build upon prior skills of graphic design, and create scenes with hypermedia. Projects and assignments can simple, with little preparation or development, or more advanced with javascript and coding options.

This application allows students to create images or upload pictures of their surrounding sn alter them with 3D animations. This app could be beneficial for updating Frayer models of organization by allowing students to move their visualizations into a 3D form. Additionally, students are able to create the image as opposed to just looking for one to associate with the term being defined.

Rouse, M. (2016, February 22). What is augmented reality (AR)? – Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/augmented-reality-AR
Published: Sep 27, 2020
Latest Revision: Sep 27, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-910394
Copyright © 2020
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