Augmented Reality
- Joined Sep 2020
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2020

Augmented Reality (AR)
is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real-time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it.

AR applications for smartphones typically include a global positioning system (GPS) to pinpoint the user’s location and its compass to detect device orientation. This allows apps to create, adapt, and personalize learning experiences that can accommodate learning differences and needs (ISTE. D. 5a., 2020).
5 Augmented Reality apps
to use in the classroom
These apps allow educators to manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on maker space, or in the field (ISTE. F. 6a., 2020).

#1 Popar Toys
This catalog of AR resources changes the way children read books, look at posters, or complete puzzles. Basically, everything is an animated picture!

#2 Quiver
Quiver has different coloring pages from every subject area. When partnered with the app, the coloring pages come to life and have animated actions. For instance, students can create their own flag, and tie it to science and weather by controlling the wind.
#3 FETCH! Lunch Rush
In the game, kids help Ruff the Dog feed sushi to a movie crew by solving the math problems. Each game piece is a trigger image that comes to life when scanned.

#4 Phonic Tricksters
Tricksters have escaped from Our Discovery Island and are stealing letter-sounds from the English Bank of Phonemes! Only you can catch them, using a fun, innovative and immersive Augmented Reality chase game – and by testing your knowledge of phonics.

#5 Amazing Space Journey
Immerse yourself in the 3D Augmented Reality and enjoy the incredible experience. Have the Solar System in the palm of your hand, on your desk or on your floor.

Brown, P. (Nov. 2, 2015). How to Transform Your Classroom with Augmented Reality. Retrieved from website: https://www.edsurge.com/news/2015-11-02-how-to-transform-your-classroom-with-augmented-reality
Edshelf. (May 16, 2020). 32 Augmented Reality Apps for the Classroom. Retrieved from website:
ISTE | Standards For Educators. (2020). Retrieved from Iste.org website: https://www.iste.org/standards/for-educators
Published: Sep 27, 2020
Latest Revision: Sep 27, 2020
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