Voice in My Pocket

- Joined Oct 2013
- Published Books 1560
Copyright © 2020
I was on my way to school when I heard a voice.
Feed me, said the voice.
I was so surprised that I didn’t do a thing.
Feed me, I’m hungry, said the voice.
Where are you? I asked.
I’m your pocket, said the voice. I haven’t eaten a thing for days. Please feed me. I see some nice apricots at the stall over there.
Over where?
On your right. Yes, can you just take one for me?
So I took an apricot and put it in my pocket.
There, are you happy now?
I see some cherries right next to the apricot, said the voice in my pocket.
I took two apricots and put them in my pocket.
Now you must be happy, I said.
Cherries are delicious with pears, said the voice.
I took a pear but by this time my pocket was getting rather large.
What are you doing? asked the shopowner. Are you stealing from my shop?
Oh no, I said. A voice is coming from my pocket. It said it was hungry so it asked me if I could grab just a few things.
I don’t hear anything said the shop owner, leaning over.
I still don’t hear a thing, he continued. And then, Wait a minute, I hear a voice. It’s coming from my pocket. Can you hear it?
No. What does your voice say?
The voice in my pocket says it wants you to pay for the fruit in yours.
Published: Sep 15, 2020
Latest Revision: Sep 15, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-905356
Copyright © 2020